November 10, 2016 - 22:05

As, I was reading Oreskes, and Conway's Novel, " The Collapse of Western Civilization", I began to think back to the "Sixth Extinction", by Elizabeth Kolbert. I have never been a person of nature because it was not a value that my parents had instilled in me, nor was it a topic i chose to eduate myself on. I possess within me a guilt so deep for what I cannot change that i sometimes, turn my head and focus more on the things that I can. This book tells me how wrong this is. This book as devastating as the facts were, said to me, stop waiting for someone else to fix the problem. What can you do Princess to ensure that Earth and its inhabitants both microscropic and cellular can be sustained? I want to say that after reading the first portion of this book that i was inspired, but then i realized that my passion to change things for the better outcome of the environment was still not as strong as it needed to be. This thought led me to think about All Over Creation, a novel that tries to educate the public about the GMOS in their foods, because there was a group of activist in the novel known as the, "Seeds of Resistance." They felt that if you edducated people that they would want to change, and do what was better for the environment. But one of the characters noted that, sometimes people do know of the problem and they still chose to walk away. After receiving the news of the election, alot of people, including myself were very distraught, but then i realized that if enough people had a desire to change a brokenn system then things would get fixed regardless of who was president or not. The point is that you have to have a dsire to never to late to change.