December 11, 2014 - 01:44

Over the years, technology has been groundbreaking. Recent innovations have been released that could possibly change the world. However, these original gadgets have become so addictive, that people have became more depending on their personal gadgets. Ranging from smartphones to laptops-- too much exposure can harm human health and in Today’s times, it is almost impossible to find anyone without the latest gadget in the palm of their hand. But, what happens when it’s time to dispose a gadget?
We decided to devote ten weeks to tracking this process. But, more specifically we decided to focus on laptops. Having a laptop is essential for every college student. It is everyone’s top priority before enrolling. Although the advancement of technologies has been overall positive for both science and our economy, no one really knows what happens to our beloved electronic gadgets when it comes time for an upgrade. We also wanted to explore the relationship of the comsumer and the major companies. Not only research the relationship between the major company with other countries. Therefore, exploring a small contact zone and a bigger contact zone in one.
Here is the origanal presentation: