September 28, 2015 - 18:02

Dear 360’ers--
I’ve been @ work this weekend (among other things!) creating a rich archive of thinking-and-researching @
I’ve tagged (and so added to this page) all your research proposals and revised thinking about them, as well as any other resources suggested by J,J, me and Sheila. Because Sheila’s had some trouble navigating Serendip, I’ve taken the liberty of making your postings here public (if that makes you uncomfortable, please go back and remove your name, replacing it with your user name; if that doesn’t suit, then please go back and tag your posting as private, but then please also send a copy of it to Sheila; her e-mail address is "Sheila Pinkel" <> ).
Jody told you about our next steps going forward:
* In advance of your meeting with Sheila, prepare a brief statement of your research [this can be done singly or in a group; your choice] thus far as well as other places you would like to look. Sheila will help you brainstorm further research paths as well as ways to visualize 'the arts the arts of resistance' and where to look for this.
* Sheila needs to have these as far ahead as possible in order to be as helpful as possible, so it would be great if you can post 'em by 5 p.m. on Friday; definitely post as much as you can by the end of Saturday--and of course include the questions you have @ that point.
* I’ve also created a collaborative page so that you can schedule a Skype conversation with Sheila on Monday, October 5th. Please go to /oneworld/arts-resistance/monday-october-5-schedule-skyping-sheila and sign up, either individually or as a group; if you find, by the end of your discussion, that your 30 minutes haven't been adequate, Sheila says she can make additional time available.
That's it for now!