November 30, 2016 - 10:11

Main points:
- Gaia, or the earth, is sensitive to the actions of humans and organisms. Humans have a hard time accepting this as a long time established fact that has existed over thousands of years because it is too drastic of a change for them. The idea that something has been founded in to the very existence of the earth and has existed without our knowing is too much of a surprise for some that they are pushed into a state of denial. This is what is happening with climate change, and what had happened in the past such as with the concept of heliocentrism.
- The idea that objectivity is unachievable currently, especially in the terms of the earth. Humans cannot view the earth objectively for they cannot see the earth as not being inhabited by humans. It is impossible for us to view the earth without any of our influence because we do not know where to even start. Similarity, the concept of writing objectively is out of date since everything includes other aspects, whether it be drama, tragedy, or news.
- There is a beauty that lies in the fact that the material world contains no drama. Everything has a cause and effect and "the consequences are already there in the cause." The only drama comes from journalists and humans who add the idea of drama and human importance into these events that occur.
One questions that I would ask is: why does the idea of objectivity continue to exist when it is obviously an unreachable goal?