September 27, 2016 - 19:38

" the atmostphere will noticeably change when a woman of color enters the room." - bell hook's
What does it mean to be able to read the room, in different racial contexts, is the very first thing that comes to my mind. and how does space in the phyiscal interact with race. alothugh we didnt talk about the black at bryn tour or the essay in class, my mind went there very quickly, what does space mean when you occupy a space that wasnt meant for you. A space that was stolen. For whatever reason Bryn Mawr seems to be a very interesting place to be, as it was articulated to that, New Dorm and the ECC are the only two dorms that don't have an racial residue on out campus. What does t mean that during customs week, myths and stories are told about why certain places look the way they do, why we over look and ignore other parts. I think about this most when people comment on how beautiful Bryn Mawr, its architecture, its greenary.
I think about a lot of different things.. but now i'm back to how I leanred to live/work in space as a black woman and what i have been able to put in my tool kit to make sure i stay safe and emotionally sound. I think about the first years who are memebers of the club i run... asking me how can they live here knowing this place/space wasnt made for them?
that pains me.