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Abby's picture

Engaging in a debate

Abigail Sayre

Intro to Critical Feminist Studies

Project Proposal


kwheeler's picture

Feminist Critique of the Self-Other in Anthropology and Documentary Film

I love when the readings for my courses overlap, especially when it’s reading from different disciplines. Though I foresaw that material for my Anthropology of Reproduction class might coincide with readings for this one, I was nevertheless surprised when on the same day that I had to read Barbara Johnson’s “Apostrophe, Animation and Abortion” we discussed Faye D. Ginsburg’s Contested Lives: the Abortion Debate in an American Community in Anthropology. More readings that I have found relevant include the introduction

Rhapsodica's picture

Dressing and Undressing Words

When we read Helene Cixous’ Laugh of the Medusa, I felt more inspired than I had in a very long time. Since then, I have been trying to figure out exactly what about her writing speaks to me so deeply. In a sense, I can see why I so strongly identify with the things she says; yet, at the same time, the more I manage to unravel, the more complex it all seems.

sarahcollins's picture

Japanese feminism

For my project I’ve decided to read a selection of Japanese books and manga, (popular Japanese comics), as well as essays on feminism in modern Japan. I will be attempting to define and explore what feminism means in modern Japanese literature, how it differs from American feminism, and why. I think that examining what feminism means in this culture will let me both learn about a different kind of feminism as well as see American feminism through a new lens. It will let me examine whether, as Paula

YJ's picture

What is Pornography to Feminists Anyway?

As I have been reading various essays addressing the feminist perspective on pornography, it seems one thing is clear: there are only multiple perspectives but no dominant one that can be called representative of the “feminist” perspective on pornography.[1] It seems that a lot of categorical mistakes, unclear definitions and a sort of muddling of the various issues that may or may not legitimately be counted as

One Student's picture

Not the Person I Thought I Was; Nor the Body

I’m not the person anyone thought I was. I’m not the person I thought I was. I’m not any kind of person anyone has thought of before, perhaps. An internal shift, wholly mental, frightening and thrilling. The ground beneath my feet was moving, but it was all safely metaphorical.


Livejournal entry of 11:26pm 09/10/2007


hslavitt's picture

Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook

Dear Professor Dalke,

llauher's picture

For the sake of privacy and comfort...

For the sake of privacy and comfort, my paper proposal has been emailed to Professor Dalke instead of posted on this forum. I hope that no one is offended by this choice. Because of my chosen topic and how personal it is, I fear backlash and harsh critique. If anyone protests to this choice, I would be willing to post it here. Please let me know if you would like to know what my topic is or have any questions or complaints.
tbarryfigu's picture

Illustrating Feminism

Tamarinda Barry Figueroa

Critical Feminist Studies

Anne Dalke


Illustrating Feminism

matos's picture

Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box

    In my previous paper I stated that the major issue I’d like to explore is how to balance race and gender, more specifically how to identify as a “Puerto Rican woman” and not “Puerto Rican” and then a “woman”.

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