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asavannah's picture

Does our genetic make up determine who we become?

       Have you ever wondered where you get your physical or behavioral traits from? Well I have and I decided to do more research on this topic which is what this paper would be about. I am going to discuss the difference between nature versus nurture and whether one or the other has a greater impact on the way an individual behaves. This topic also became of interest to me when I decided to focus more on the study of identical twins who have the same genetic make up but not necessarily the same interests.

carterian's picture

Our Biases

Here is the site that the tests are based on, you should take a few of them. It tests your lapse, so make sure you get the answers right because if there are too many wrongs it will give a bad answer....just go to the site:

Our Biases

Corey Arterian

ctreed's picture

Lethe In A Pill

Throughout history and across cultures, the force of memory has always held a prominent position in our concept of humanity and self.  The ancient Greeks embodied memory in a goddess – Mnemosyne, the mother of the nine inspiring Muses.  But what if a person possessed memories so upsetting and intense that they caused him to not be able to function as himself?  If you had the option, would you choose to forget or to distance yourself?  This dilemma is now a source of debate among scientists and medical practitioners.  Propranolol, a drug previously prescribed to people suffering from hypertension, has also been found to bring some relief to victims of traumatic events by manipulating their memory of the experience.

ekoike's picture

Race as An Illusion: What Determines Race?

"All human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same." President Bill Clinton.[1]

Kee Hyun Kim's picture

Ban on trans-fat!

 Kee Hyun (Andy) Kim 

Ban on trans-fat!

PS2007's picture

Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence?

Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence?

Catrina Mueller's picture

Love’s Labor’s Won: A Scientific Look at Love

Love: it’s something we all have experienced, at least in some shape or form. Love has many shapes and forms. Love can grow, dwindle, and change. It can be weak or strong. Just a crush or an infatuation. It can be obsessive, consuming, and above all: unpredictable. One can love objects, ideas, and, of course, other humans. But what the heck is love? Unfortunately, there is no general scientific consensus as to what the phenomenon of “love” is exactly. This makes sense, as love is such a complex emotion. There are, however, many theories that try to bring us closer to the truth of love.
andrelle's picture

The Origin of HIV

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