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redmink's picture

A Gigantic Wave


Joo Park

A Gigantic Wave

redmink's picture

Do You Remember That Moment?


Joo Park

The last paper on tacit understanding

Do You Remember That Moment?

Paul: Hold your horses.

ErinDoppelheuer's picture

The Big Questions Reside in Our Unconscious, Yet are Rarely Answered

What is the meaning of life, why are we here and why does Earth exist.  These are three of the big questions lingering in the world of philosophy and no one can answer them.  However, when we begin to question our own existence, we try to answer them through our unconscious minds.

ashaffer's picture

A compilation of my posts this semester

Here are just a few thoughts I've had this semester.  Most could use to be fleshed out and further explored and revised.  Still, it's not a bad jumping off point.
Paul Grobstein's picture

If there can be no single definitive description of reality, nor of beauty, nor of virtue ...

What then is the business of inquiry? of education? Notes for a talk along these lines ("Empirical Inquiry: Limitations and Possibilities")  is available is available here. Thoughts triggered by the talk/notes are, of course, more than welcome. Same for a second version of this talk ("Inquiry as Emergence: Product and Contributor") aimed at a more "empirical" audience (the first was aimed at a more general audience, including those already predisposed to recognizing the value of stories).
tbarryfigu's picture


Over the course of the semester, I had decided to stop commenting on the weekly blogs. I, like many of the alum, felt that there was no conversations taking place and felt more comfortable speaking my mind in a classroom where debates could be started and responses were immediate. I felt that many people in the class were either summarizing the texts to prove that they had read them, or using personal testimony to discontinue conversations. Now, towards the end of the semester, I think it would be interesting to go back through the weeks and make comments based on what we have discussed in class since. I am hoping that some new ideas can come of it and would love if others could contribute to the conversation to see how we have evolved as feminists or merely women studying feminism.

Rhapsodica's picture

A New Proposal?

Obviously, this draft isn’t quite six pages long, as it should have been by this point. This is because I had originally started with a completely different topic, but eventually realized it was not what I wanted to do (for a number of reasons, it was just not the right time or place for me to explore the questions I was posing for myself in the way I was hoping to do so). I’m certainly going to read more and expand on the ideas I’m talking about here, so this draft is really more of a second proposal than a draft… but well, this is what I have at the moment, and I figure I should at least post that much...

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