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hslavitt's picture

Getting It Together

So my paper is extremely late because the task at hand seems completely daunting. I want to do the actual text of The Golden Notebook justice by exploring it in its own right, but there is an incredible amount of relevant external theory and social context to explore.

rmeyer's picture

21st Century Women's Colleges

Anne (and others),
YJ's picture

Towards a New Feminist Approach to Pornography

In the age of what many believe to be the “third-wave” of feminism, one that challenges the notion of what it even means to be “female” or “feminist” and has expanded to include those who may not or could not have been part of the first or second waves of feminism, it becomes clear that one of the major differences between the older waves of feminism and the one we are in now (third-wave) is exemplified in the attitude towards pornography. Here, I use the term in a very broad sense since so many feminists define it differently and I mean it to include both sex/sexual work such as prostitution and stripping as well as the pornographic movie industry.

One Student's picture

see minotaur



the mutilation of the corpus which bore me

Academic writing raises questions and answers them, with an aim to be definitive. Personal writing tells a story but raises no questions. Hermaphroditic writing raises questions … and ends paragraph with questions marks?

Paul Grobstein's picture

Exploring the unconscious empirically

A csem student this year came up with an interesting project to look at people's unconscious evaluations of things along a female/male axis, which in turn reminded me of some earlier thoughts of my own about how to explore the unconscious evaluations of beauty.  For myself, and any one else interested, here's a link to the student project and some thoughts of my own about how to do a relevant data analysis.  My hunch is there is some serious work to be done along these lines that would combine acknowledgement of the grist from which conscious stories are made and of the diversity of human experiences.  My bet, as developed in part in csem discussions, is that people are substantially less similar in their unconscious processing than it app
tbarryfigu's picture

Illustrating Feminism, What's In The Works

 When I close my eyes and think “feminism,” I don’t think as a feminist; That is to say, I don’t close my eyes and think as I did before. Instead, I see color, texture, and light. I see the physical materialization of a movement, of a driving and ever-present force. The struggle to make sense of these colors and textures is one that I feel significantly shapes my definition of the summation of values held by feminists all over the world. I find that I cannot separate thoughts of past and current female oppression from the bright flashes of red gritty paint that manifest themselves in my mind’s eye. I cannot read a text about identity and womanhood without sculpting the female identity in my thoughts.

Abby's picture

Making Sex Untouchable

* This draft is rather incomplete.  I'm hoping to add more as I continue working... 


Abigail Sayre

Intro to Critical Fem. Studies

Anne Dalke

smigliori's picture

Gender: San Francisco Has The Right Idea

Registering to vote, setting up a myspace account, and walking into almost any public bathroom all have one thing in common: they each require the individual to declare their gender and/or sex identity. For most people, this may not seem to be a cause for alarm; society trains everyone to express a specific gender identity (either “masculine” or “feminine” based on whether their genitals are “male” or “female”) from their birth. These gender identities make it easy to determine whether one has male or female genitals, therefore allowing the heterosexual “norm” to easily prevail by simplifying the policing of other

kwheeler's picture

A feminist critique of documentary film

Intro to Critical Feminist Studies: Web-paper 3

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