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llauher's picture

Bryn Mawr Boys

Louisa “Weezie” Lauher

November 21, 2007

Critical Feminist Theory

Paper Draft



Bryn Mawr Boys

Transgender Feminism at Bryn Mawr College

Introduction of Goals

matos's picture

15 Step

Nicole Matos

Critical Feminist Studies

21 November 2007

The Hardest Button to Button

Restatement of Proposal

EMaciolek's picture


A Doll’s House – Henrik Ibsen (1879)
The play’s main critique is the fact that in the era’s culture, men treat women as doll’s that are there only to play a role. Women are not seen as autonomous beings, rather they are seen as one part of a general stereotype to which they are forced to adhere. The world of the play is one in which feminism as a movement has not quite started – it is on an individual basis. For certain women, there is a great dissatisfaction they feel with their roles in life, and they have decided to stop putting up with it. The protagonist, Nora, gives up her entire family in order to escape “doll status” and become independent.

lvasko's picture

Feminist art and the self-portrait

Lydia Vasko

Critical Feminist Studies

A. Dalke


Project Update

jrizzo's picture

Simone de Beauvoir

Jessica Rizzo

November 21, 2007

Critical Fem. Studies

Student 23's picture


I am not a Trekkie—or at least I’ve never admitted to being one.

Paul Grobstein's picture

The Brain and Social Well-Being, Follow Up

I spent the end of last week in Washington, D.C. at a very rich conversation about "The Brain and Global Harmony" organized by Epi Haidemenakis and the International S.T.E.P.S Foundation. Sixteen papers on basic and clinical neuroscience, neuroethics, social organization, and education provided the grist for extensive discussions of the significance of existing and ongoing research on the brain for humanity, ways one might like to see it go in the future, and steps that might be taken to take to influence future directions. Participants came from the United States, Greece, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Singapore.
Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain Research: Improving Global Harmony

Introductory Remarks
Paul Grobstein
16 November 2007
akeefe's picture

Caution! (it's more than you think)


(it’s more than you think)


Paul Grobstein's picture

The Brain and Social Well-Being

The Brain as a Learner/Inquirer/Creator:
Some Implications of its Organization for Individual and Social Well Being


Paul Grobstein
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