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Flora's picture

what I'm thinking

This post has been brewing in my head for a week or so. I'm not sure why I was so hesitant to verbalize what I'm thinking, but here goes. It seems that there is a movement on the forum and in the class towards honest personal expression. And I think I should respond in kind. Many students have been voicing frustrations with the course. I have been feeling frustrated with the course as well, but in different terms. I've shared these thoughts with Anne, but feel like I should disclose them to everyone else as well.

Madi's picture

Soldiers in the Evolutionary War

Soldiers in the Evolutionary War

...and all the people that you made in your image

see them fighting in the street

'cause they can't make opinions meet

about God...”

~ Dear God, XTC

Paul Grobstein's picture

The Brain and the Unconscious

The Unconscious: A Neurobiologist's View

Paul Grobstein
30 October 2007
for Story Telling as Inquiry

LuisanaT's picture

At what scale

Life, as we have been studying it, starts off with small single celled organisms and gradually includes more and more multicellular ones. The introduction of these larger organisms has not by any means replaced the single celled one on this planet. This impels one to consider whether there is any difference in the actual cells found in either group that could account for this. If all things are made up of the same building blocks, and we are all composed of cells, does that mean that they are all the same cells?

lvasko's picture

Critical Feminist Studies Web Paper 2

Project Proposal

            In my research project for the rest of the semester I am interested in exploring female and feminist art. I began this project by asking myself a series of questions that I wanted to explore both in my research and in my own artistic work. What makes a work of art feminist rather than female? Can a feminist work of art be produced by a man? Why are there not more women in the traditional cannon? If a work is done by a woman, does it make the work innately feminine in some way?

Paul Grobstein's picture

Risk and Innovation

Living a Life of Risk, and Why:
Encouraging Innovation in Individuals and Communities

Paul Grobstein
24 October 2007

From prior discussions

ndegeorge's picture

Can we have a "happy period?"

Critical Feminist Studies

Web Paper #2


Can We "Have A Happy Period"?

Pemwrez2009's picture

Our Obligations Along Side Our Perpetual Transitions

As a transgender student, and perhaps the only out trans-identified student living on campus to date, it has been a struggle finding and creating a niche on campus for myself. My friends are for the most part allies, and though some have questioned gender and some have even come to identify as “non-conforming” or “gender queer”, I am the only student, to my knowledge, that has committed to a gender identity and the mental and physical transformations that coincide with my interpretation of this gender identity.  
rmeyer's picture

Dear Sisterhood

Dearest Sisterhood,

As I have already mentioned in an earlier conversation…

“I am a freshwoman from South Portland, Maine, and to be quite frank I have never even considered myself a feminist, nor have I even given the issue much thought. I consider myself to be a rather naïve and non-political person. Yet, here I am at a women’s college, in a course titled Introduction to Critical Feminist Studies. Hmm. If you are half as confused as I am, you’d maybe understand just how out of place I might feel here. Most days, I find myself wondering why I am here…and why I am in this class. But, as my Zen calendar said the very first day I arrived here at Bryn Mawr, ‘In your heart, you already know.’”

One Student's picture

An Immodest Proposal, and quite a lot of other things as well

First of all, this is like my link of the YEAR: You know those forms where you have to check off either male or female? I hate those two little ticky boxes. That’s all I get, two choices!? Well, this website has 904 ticky boxes. 904!!! Beautiful. Playing with it has made me tremendously more comfortable with having a gender identity as thrillingly unstable and indefinable-and-unmappable-with-traditional-terms as my sexual orientation.

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