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One Student's picture

how humor takes UTC endward

In "Get Out of Gaol Free, or: How to Read a Comic Plot" by John Bruns1, Bruns writes that "a novelistic plot demands that we, as readers, must always be moving endward, in a more or less rectilinear fashion, towards resolution, closure, and understanding"; he opposes this understanding of the genre of the novel to the novel as "a way of enabling characters to engage in lively dialogues to which the reader can then respond". Bruns then goes on to say that "the comic plot, however has no demands, save one: that the reader must always be moving somewhere, moving anywhere. In the comic plot, characters needs not be understood - their movement alone

akeefe's picture

Really? As Pliable as Orange Peels?


Really. I recently finished reading Uncle Tom's Cabin, and was struck that by the juxtaposition of the novels many Romantic gestures, and Stowe's continued insistence of the realness of her work, particularly in the key. Certainly we see enough examples today of entertainments that insist on their own reality, so the move wasn't all together foreign to me. Once, I spent some time with the idea of "reality" in the media, I found that the 19th century novel and our modern fascination with reality may have a similar function - helping us to create meaning in our lives and dispel existentialism.

AF's picture

A Gender-queer Generation

March 26, 2008

Emerging Genres

Professor Anne Dalke

Claire Ceriani's picture

Classes of Classics

Marina Gallo's picture

Dialect Differences

Marina Gallo

Emerging Genres

Professor Dalke

Paper 2

March 25, 2008



                                                            Dialect Differences



When we read Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, we can see the use of different dialects is central in the telling of her tale. It helps to aid hermission of promoting the abolition of slavery. It seems to be something that Stowe found very important to add to her story even if it made it more difficult for the reader to understand. Would the story have been different without the use of what has been called “negro dialect”?  My answer would be that the effectStowe was searching for was found through dialect and without it the story would have been different. This effect was to help create change.

M. Gallagher's picture

Anyone for Theory?

Anyone for Theory?


Why We Like Uncle Tom's Cabin Better than Jameson

egoodlett's picture

Defining Definition

define  c.1384, from O.Fr. definir "to end, terminate, determine," from L.
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