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Ambiguous Figures - Arrows

Serendip art inspired by Roger N. Shepherd's Mind Sights (1990)

Ambiguous Figures - Etching

Contemporary Russian artist, name unknown

anonstudent01's picture

Phantom Limbs and Acupuncture

Phantom Limbs and Acupuncture

Corollary discharge, I-function, personal resonsibility

Biology 202
Neurobiology and Behavior
Spring 2008

Course Notes


Class discussion - 1 April

Corollary discharge signals (CDS): what else might they be used for?

Christina Harview's picture

On the Rights of the Writer and Reader

Honestly, I was having trouble coming up with a straight answer for this whole “rights” of the reader verses the writer mess so I have decided to start over and go through my thoughts as systematically as I have time for. So, I will try to write down my thoughts as they develop temporally.


With regard to the rights of the writer:

One Student's picture

triangle of satire; and infinite uses of humor

"Roman satirists may be thought of as functioning within a triangle of which the apices are (a) attack, (b) entertainment, and (c) preaching. If a poem rests too long on apex (a) it passes into lampoon or invective; if it lingers on (b) it changes into some form of comedy; and if it remains on (c) it becomes a sermon." Niall Rudd, Themes in Roman Satire

What is striking and original about Rudd's application of this theoretical structure for satire is the fact that he sees a good deal of movement within individual pieces; the effect is on of hovering and flitting, like a bird that never alights. (Which is why my bird traps on the ground keep turning up with nothing more than handfuls of feathers, I suppose - time to construct a bow and arrow.)

One Student's picture

Genre = Structure?

            One of my basic, but as yet unexplored and unsupported, assumptions about genre is that ‘genre’ refers to structure, and that ‘genre’ does not give a very reliable indication of content or of function. Thus, I identify Oscar Wilde’s “De Profundis” as a letter on the basis of the structural elements at the beginning and end: the piece opens with “H.M. Prison, Reading” and “Dear Bosie”, and ends with “your affectionate friend, Oscar Wilde”, as well as putting the piece into the context of a history and a potential future of correspondence. However, on page 97 right near the beginning, Wilde refers to what he is doing as “writing your [Bosie’s] life and

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 202, spring 2008 - notes, April 1 - end

Biology 202
Neurobiology and Behavior
Spring 2008

Course Notes 1 April -


1 April

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