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jlebouvier's picture

Technology and Trans Teens

Technology and Transgender Teens

anonymous123's picture

Birth Control as a Form of Female Empowerment

 Tiffany Egbuonu

February 10, 2010

English 257



Birth Control as a Form of Female Empowerment


Throughout history, women have assumed the responsibility of mother, child bearer, and home keeper. Some of the earliest pieces of art known to man are fertility symbols, highlighting an important duty that has always been attributed to women, the duty to produce children. More contemporarily, the obligation to have children has not been as emphasized, as women have insisted upon being treated as equals to men. Nevertheless, although women have won the right to vote and to participate in the military in the past two centuries, the social responsibility to have children is still attached to women.

MissArcher2's picture

ignore this

 oops- is there no delete button?

aybala50's picture

I'm switching teams..maybe


Franklin20's picture

Television and Gender Construction

With how busy and stressed I have been this past week, I have not had time to transform my influential technology musings into a paper that I was satisfied with (so I will be doing the last three).  However, here is a brief post of my initial thoughts:


Hilary_Brashear's picture

Under the Needle: Tattooing Taboos

Under the Needle: Tattooing Taboos

By: Hilary Brashear writing for the class Gender and Technology

If I ask you “imagine a person with a lot of tattoos” who do you see? What adjectives would you use to describe that person?

Who I see: Biggish muscular man, wearing leather, rough, aggressive, slightly scary.

phyllobates's picture

Evolution as Both a Process Over and a Theory Across Time

 Evolution: a Process Over and a Theory Across Time

kelliott's picture

The Cyborg, the Surrogate & the Future of Gender in Robotics 


I made a Prezi for the assignment. To see the text that is relatively small, scroll your mouse over the right side of the screen and a Zoom option should appear!

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