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kgould's picture

O RLY?: Internet Memes, Plagiarism, and Reality Hunger

It didn’t seem like many people in our class enjoyed David Shields’ manifesto, “Reality Hunger,” all that much (8). I can’t say that I liked it, but I did find it interesting and what he said, in between the lines as it were, was useful. It’s easy to pretend that what he did in his book was “weird” or “unusual” or even “bad,” but his use of quotes and allusions isn’t really, in the end, all the different from what we see in novels and poetry. Why is it that only fiction gets the O.K. to take what it wants from other books, culture, and other sources outside of itself without having to cite anything? Why did we read Shields as something so different from what we normally see?

Owl's picture

Sure, because a "Fact" is simply Unquestionable


FatCatRex's picture

Storytelling in Law: Truth and Persuasion

Facing the Facts

Professor Anne Dalke

September 17, 2010


Storytelling in Law: Truth and Persuasion


platano's picture

A Copyrighted Manifesto

Growing up, we have been conditioned to think that plagiarism is wrong, and we have seen the serious consequences that have resulted against people when they have attempted to use another’s work without citing it. Schools threaten their students with expulsion, and larger institutions threaten the public with legal action. Because of these circumstances, David Shield’s proposal, in his book “Reality Hunger”, of doing away with citations is almost absurd. Some people do not even bother to process his argument because it just seems impractical. It seems to them as if he isn’t saying anything new; that he’s just compiling quotes from other people.

AyaSeaver's picture

Playing with Visual Textual Reference in Fun Home

Throughout Fun Home the constant detail and ornamentation of the visual setting—the entire visual universe—that the narrative interacts with plays as large a role in establishing character as the more straight-forward elements of narrative. The visual culture, most obviously apparent in her detailed construction of the restored Victorian house she was raised in or even in the surrounding products of childhood: Life Cereal (153, 162)[1] Snyder (147, 108) Pretzels, the can of Pledge (16, 11), functions on a literary level as well.

tgarber's picture

Originalty: A Figment of Our Imagination

Tyler Garber

Professor Dalke

Non-fictional Prose

17 September 2010 

Originality: A Figment of Our Imagination

SandraGandarez's picture

Medical History, constructed or compiled?


I explained that we all had accumulated stories in our lives, that each of us had a history of such stories, that no one's stories are quite like anyone else's, and that we could, after a fashion, become our own appreciative and comprehending critics by learning to pull together the various incidents in our lives in such a way that they do, in fact, become an old-fashioned story.” (Coles, 11)


rachelr's picture

"Bridges become frames for looking at the world around us"



mkarol's picture

class notes 9/16

 - looked at maps on pages 126 and 144 in Fun Home: they show the same map, but the second one is labeled. highlights how maps can be selective and labeled/changed in different ways --> map are fictional representations

- read closer: EVD lead us in reading page 3 --> "think and hear"what the people are saying in the pictures rather than just read what is written

- there's an interrelationship between text and images: Bechdel uses different types of framing:

mkarol's picture

class notes 9/16

 - looked at maps on pages 126 and 144 in Fun Home: they show the same map, but the second one is labeled. highlights how maps can be selective and labeled/changed in different ways --> map are fictional representations

- read closer: EVD lead us in reading page 3 --> "think and hear"what the people are saying in the pictures rather than just read what is written

- there's an interrelationship between text and images: Bechdel uses different types of framing:

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