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ckosarek's picture

Copyright Law & Fair Use: Who's Stealing?

          In 1981, Soft Cell, a British musical duo, released “Tainted Love,” which quickly climbed to number one on the Billboard charts (Billboard). Twenty-five years later, pop signer Rhianna released “S.O.S,” which featured the musical arrangement originally produced by Soft Cell as its background track.

maht91's picture

Where do we find the truth?

mkarol's picture

What Makes an Essay?

 What makes an essay?

veritatemdilexi's picture

Unit 1- Thoughts on practical nomenclature and the inner workings of an Aspergian mind

      Memoirs serve a multitude of purposes.  Some are exploitive in nature, others are nostalgic of a time that has

past, and still others recite the events of extraordinary lives.  John Elder Robison is not a memoirist or a famous rock

star, although he did work for Pink Floyd and KISS, he does however construct an insightful and educational memoir

about his remarkable life with Asperger's syndrome.  Not only is Look Me in the Eye: My life with Asperger's

Smacholdt's picture

Music, the Creative Process and Copyrights


Music, the Creative Process and Copyrights

Smacholdt's picture

Changed Attitude about Comics

I, like others in the class was never encouraged to read, or even exposed to comics as a young child. Therefore I always believed that they were not as "worthy" as novels or other works of literature. However, seeing the depth of feeling and amount of intricate physical and metaphorical detail that Bechdel puts into Fun Home has definitely gotten me thinking about the relevance of comics. While I am still not convinced that a graphic novel should be treated and discussed in the same way as a one-hundred-year-old classic novel, I do think that this art form deserves to be discussed in more intellectual forums, such as this class.

dfishervan's picture

The Science of Science Education

Normal 0 0 1 16 96 1 1 117 11.1282

Anne Dalke's picture

don't miss

Affleck Says Phoenix Documentary Wasn't Real

"Virtually none of it was real....'I never intended to trick anybody,' said Mr. Affleck....'The idea of a quote, hoax, unquote, never entered my mind.'”


maht91's picture

Truth, Reality and Fun Home


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