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kenglander's picture

Memory's Identity

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VGopinath's picture

Editing Memory (NBS Senior Seminar Final Paper

Editing Memory

It selects, eliminates, alters, exaggerates, minimizes, glorifies and vilifies also, but in the end it creates its own reality, its heterogeneous but usually coherent version of events; and no sane human being ever trusts someone else's version more than his own. 

EB Ver Hoeve's picture

Emerging Concepts and the Experience of Stroke

By definition, a stroke occurs as the result of a blood clot in an artery or as the result of a burst blood vessel. Either way, the result leads to an interruption in blood flow to an area of the brain. When this happens, brain cells in that brain region suffer from lack of oxygen and begin to die. As brain damage begins to occur, the abilities associated with that area of the brain become lost. The abilities lost during stroke typically include speech, movement and memory.  The extent of impairment experienced by a stroke patient depends on where in the brain the stroke occurred and how much of the brain was damaged. 

Claire Ceriani's picture

The Language Spiral: How Society Evolved Language

The Language Spiral
How Society Evolved Language

Claire Ceriani
Spring, 2010

Senior Thesis
Adviser: Dr. Paul Grobstein
Bryn Mawr College

Table of Contents

I.    Introduction
II.   The Neurological Basis of Language
III.  Examining Social Evolution
IV.   Language as Created by Social Interactions
V.    An Example of Modern Language Development

Claire Ceriani's picture

The Disappearance and Emergence of Cognitive Skills in Aphasia

Brain damage is generally considered in terms of the functions that are lost.  Damage to the motor cortex causes loss of motor function.  Damage to the visual cortex causes blindness.  We rarely think about the possibility of new functions emerging when old ones are lost.  There is an increasing amount of evidence, however, that suggests that the loss of one function may allow another one to emerge, and that the brain is capable of creating new functions to compensate for the loss of an old one.  The study of aphasia, which is usually associated with the loss of a function, provides insight into how new functions may emerge in the damaged brain.

sberman's picture

The Experience of Stroke: Beyond the Blood Clot (NBS Final Paper)

Sara Berman

NBS Senior Seminar


The Experience of Stroke: Beyond the Blood Clot


mkarol's picture

"Medium is the Message"


"The medium is the message"

  because it is the

TPB1988's picture

My experience as a Graphic Narrative Author

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