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Anne Dalke's picture

Class-wide Commonplace Book on the James Family: Alice, Henry, James...and us

adiflesher's picture

Mind and Brain Interest Group at Brookline High

Mind and Brain Interest Committee - Brookline High School

Paul Grobstein's picture

the brain, old and young, and education, college and otherwise

Two interesting recent articles on education that get even more interesting when read in relation to one another and in broader contexts ....

How to train the aging brain, NYTimes Education Life, 29 Dec 2009

"Teaching new facts should not be the focus of adult education ... Instead, continued brain development and a richer form of learning may require that you “bump up against people and ideas” that are different."

Anne Dalke's picture

"House of Wits": Checklist


Anne Dalke's picture

"House of Wits": Instructions for Preparing Your Final Portfolio

Anne Dalke's picture

Literary Kinds: Checklist

Anne Dalke's picture

"House of Wits": Archive of Class Notes


JPierre's picture

Blink: Understanding the Science of Thinking

Thinking is a basic function that occurs almost involuntary millions of times a day. However, there is vast scientific research that goes into understanding the basic functions of how and why we think the way we do.

In recent years, authors have taken different approaches to understanding the science of thinking, and what factors frame our thought processes. In 2005, Malcolm Gladwell authored Blink, a critical and public success, and used rapid cognition as a platform for using the human mind and its decision making process.

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