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jrieders's picture

H1N1 Prevention: Effective Measures or Psychological Comfort?

     The 1918 Influenza killed more Americans in one year than those that died in battle in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. If a virus as deadly as the 1918 flu became a pandemic today, it would kill more people than heart disease, stroke, cancers, chronic pulmonary disease, AIDS, and Alzheimer's combined. Death estimates worldwide range from 20 million to over a 100 million, as many remote areas that were decimated by the flu did not keep mortality records. This strain of flu was 25 times more virulent than seasonal flu and it's death curve looks like a W, with mortality rates peaking for children under the age of 5, elderly 70-74, and the group that normally has the lowest death rate for the seasonal flu, people ages 20-40.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: November 2009 Core Group Meeting

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

November, 2009 Core Group Meeting

Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion


Dealing with uncertainty: from the I Ching to heaven?

Anna Dela Cruz's picture

A Persistant Illusionary Feedback System: Does the Mind Exist?

Anna Dela Cruz

Biology in Society

November 24, 2009

The Matrix (1999)






Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 24: "the formless thing which gives things form"

Day 24: "the formless thing which gives things form..."

Mood Music (via Beta:) Arcade Fire, "My Body is a Cage"

I. Welcome back from Thanksgiving!

Paul Grobstein's picture

Replacing blame with generosity in classrooms, inquiry, and culture

Interesting conversation this morning growing out of, among other things, "The Design of Learning Environments," Chapter 6 of How People Learn, together with some college student comparisons of experiences in their own courses with observations of elementary school classes at a local K-6 Quaker school.  The upshot was, for me at least, a clearer understanding of what one needs to do to create not only more effective learning environments in classrooms but more humane exchange environments generally.

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 23: Thinking about Sex Work

the music suppliers are letting us down....!
so, from Anne: Jacob & Lily's "Ruby":
"Ruby don't go downtown, Ruby come in and stay.
It's a cold rain outside and your bed's a ways away....
Now no one's daughter your trying harder just to stay alive...
I 'm gonna stand right on this corner...

w0m_n's picture

Commodification and the Status Game

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 22: Evaluating Bryn Mawr's Current Curriculum

I. Coursekeeping
Due by 9 a.m. Sun, 11/22: 3-pp.
collaborative analyses of Bryn Mawr's curriculum,
in light of the research conducted by your classmates last week,
our visit with Karen, reports on current local efforts,

Greg Davis's picture

The Baldwin Effect: Intentionality in Biological Evolution?

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

Evolving Systems:
Open Conversations

Organic Evolution (aka the "Baldwin Effect"): Intentionality in Evolution?

Greg Davis
  19 November 2009

The issue:

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