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Evolving Systems: November 2009 Core Group Meeting
The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics
November, 2009 Core Group Meeting
Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion
Dealing with uncertainty: from the I Ching to heaven?

Notes Towards Day 24: "the formless thing which gives things form"
Day 24: "the formless thing which gives things form..."
Mood Music (via Beta:) Arcade Fire, "My Body is a Cage"
I. Welcome back from Thanksgiving!

Notes Towards Day 23: Thinking about Sex Work
the music suppliers are letting us down....!
so, from Anne: Jacob & Lily's "Ruby":
"Ruby don't go downtown, Ruby come in and stay.
It's a cold rain outside and your bed's a ways away....
Now no one's daughter your trying harder just to stay alive...
I 'm gonna stand right on this corner...

The Baldwin Effect: Intentionality in Biological Evolution?
The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics
Evolving Systems:
Open Conversations
Organic Evolution (aka the "Baldwin Effect"): Intentionality in Evolution?
Greg Davis
19 November 2009