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Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 22: Feminist Documentary Film

Notes towards Day 22
Feminist Documentary Film:
Born Into Brothels

I. Coursekeeping
More conversation about Felice Picano's challenge to
"masculinity as homophobia"? About the non-need
to label himself for himself? About labels existing
Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 23: The Dog and its Tail

Notes Towards Day 23: The Dog and its Tail

I. coursekeeping
let's hear your stories: what's it like, working together?
what works, what doesn't work so well, in this process?
how can we fiddle w/ it?

looking @ one critique

no reading assignments for week after Thanksgiving;
will e-mail you if I come across anything you should read;
come to class ready to draft w/ your group
the opening paragraph of your upcoming paper:
your re-envisioned mission-or-vision,

kjmason's picture

So Began My Obsession with Crip Art

 Day 15 “On Seeing (and not seeing) Disability." I was so excited to be given the opportunity look fully at disability, to stare. Not in a degrading way, but almost in wonder. Crip Art can possess a certain raw and vulnerable beauty that I haven’t been effected by as fully in other forms. As nice and politically correct as it would be to say Crip Art is just like other forms of art with “just people” as the subjects, it would be false. The disability adds to the art for me. I get a sense of strength, defiance and agency that is really striking to me.

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 21: Imagining a New Curriculum

Notes Towards Day 21 of Food for Thought:
Imagining a New Curriculum

Lisa B.'s picture

Gender split in hand hygiene behavior and promotion

The purpose of this study is to determine if gender has an influence on hand hygiene behavior and promotion. Hands are the primary vehicle of transmission for many infectious diseases. Teaching appropriate hand hygiene and providing accessible hand sanitizer can be effective components in controlling the spread of micro-organisms. However, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine concluded in an October 2009 study that there are differences in hand washing behavior by gender. This investigation will examine the compliance of men and women with hand washing and using a hand-rub with a waterless alcohol based compound.

Anne Dalke's picture

Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (November 16, 2009)

Click on “VoD” to the right of “2. Lessons From Thin Air.

Lunch served in Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall

Agenda (from Steve Lindell):

Paul Grobstein's picture

Dance is hard to see ... the purest form of knowledge?

A month ago I spent  several hours watching an opening session in the development of the dance piece "Dance is Hard to See," and talking with choreographer Kathryn Tebordo and the dancers about what I had seen and what dance was, or might be, all about.  "Dance is the purest form of knowledge" emerged from that conversation, which was a rich experience for me, one I have been mulling ever since.  I'm very much looking forward to this coming Sunday's performance of "Dance is Hard to See," to seeing how it has evolved and talking more with Kathryn, the performers, and other audience members about, among other things, what it says about what dance is (see

RachelBrady's picture



JPierre's picture

A History of Big Butts

A History of Big Butts

LizJ's picture

The Frustration of Menstruation

Why did I decide to write a paper about menstruation?

The answer to that question is fairly easy, the rest is not.


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