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Anne Dalke's picture

Faculty Learning Commmunity: Agenda and Notes (November 2, 2009)

Steven Lindell, "Real-Time Collaboration Tools for Digital Ink"

Lunch served in Dorothy Vernon Room of Haffner Dining Hall

Plan for 11/5/09
I. Howard

any group-keeping items? Who's our note-taker? What are our plans for Nov. 16 mtg?

II. Anne
two weeks ago, we reviewed the history of the "hard science" of educational research,
looking @ how it remade itself from what was largely a humanistic field into a "scientistic" one:

ebock's picture

The Cure - Who Wants One? Anyone?

“Should I tattoo my scar? What would it say?” – Marilyn Hacker
It is strange to know that some day your body might kill you.
My grandmother has had both of her breasts removed: one before I was born, and one was removed just two years ago. I was with her at the doctor’s appointment when they found the lump. I was in the waiting room when they removed her breast and the lymph nodes near her chest.
alesnick's picture

Teaching on a Triangle

A "geometrical" view on the three interrelated sources of teaching and learning: Inquiry, Mystery and Mastery.

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 17: Continuing Prodigal Summer

I. A Day of Choosing: Election Day....

jrieders's picture

The Subtle Ethics of Cell Phone Culture

Cell phones have become totally integrated into our daily lives. Sitting in the classroom, on the bus, at the dinner table, we find ourselves constantly checking our cell phones for messages and updates. Now that the internet is available on our phones some seem to literally have their phones glued to their hands.

The impact of cell phones is seen in our legislation, and even serves as key evidence in political corruption. In the celebrity realm a stolen cell phone can ignite massive scandals damaging to individual reputation, family members, and anyone associated with that celebrity. We've seen the emergence of new forms of bulling and sexual harassment, and new challenges to school administrators in determining their role in appropriate cell phone usage.

Brie Stark's picture

Observations and Interpretations, Week of Oct 26

Observations and Interpretations

Week of October 26, Brielle Stark


Project: Writing Workshop



  • The subjects could either opt to write a scary halloween story or story based on the world series (their two main interests of the week).
  • Previous to this observation day, the subjects had had time to prepare their topics by doing some free writing (rough drafts).
  • This day, some chose to keep writing on paper, others worked on the computer and some chose to use the time to read more chapters in their respective fiction/nonfiction books about brain and behavior.


Anne Dalke's picture

The "Seeds" of Your Essays

What is the seed of your essay: the image or idea, the knotty problem or unanswered question from which it begins? Stay with the energy and aliveness of this seed....Make a representation, in words and/or images, of the seed of your essay.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: October 2009 Core Group Meeting

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

October 27, 2009 Core Group Meeting

Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion

The I Ching and the Emergence of Form

Background (Ben, excerpted from a longer .pdf):

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 19: Exploring Masculinities

Lucinda Williams, What If (via holsn39)

Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Origin of Love (via Owl:
"our way of categorizing the world does not make
sense to the immense diversity within society")

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