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RecycleJack Marine's picture

Introduction to Jack Marine

I was born on December 2, 1955 at Albert Einstein Medical Center in North Philadelphia. At that time my parents' house was at 1307 Paper Mill Road in Erdenheim, PA - in Eastern Montgomery County. My sister, my parents and I lived in that house until I was eight years old. I was a child who was very curious about the world around me and even at the young age of seven, I was exploring nature by witnessing giant fish swimming through a small creek behind my house, catching tomato hornworm catipillars in my father's garden and pulling around a dead rat (in a toy wagon) that my cat had brought home. I was also fascinated by the ticks that my dog brought into the house, which when full of her blood would literally crawl up the wall of our den!

Lucienne Davis's picture

Emotional Support

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Angela Bryant's picture

Brain Behavior Institute 2009

 My name is Angela Bryant, I am a Teacher for The School District of Philadelphia.

I have my certification in CCNA(Cisco Certification Network Associate).

I am very interested in why children bully other children in the classroom and how the brain works with bullying.

Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Home page for Brain and Behavior

Hi!  Welcome to the Brain of Judy!  I teach therefore I am!  I bring to this summer institute:  Fun!; Inquiry!; Willingness!; Eagerness to Learn New Ideas!

 Using multiple intelligences in the classroom! 

Howard Gardner: Theory Behind it!

Understanding the Multiple Intel Project

RecycleJack Marine's picture

Let's Shock Students Project


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