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Lucienne Davis's picture

Brain Health

Food for Thought



What foods do you need to feed the brain?


How do feed your brain?


Lucienne Davis's picture

Mind Games

The mind is a very mysterious place.

Play the games to change and train your mind.

Did you have any light bulbs moments when you played these game?

Funbrain Suduko

Brie Stark's picture

Antoinette Sisco, Song

Jill Bean's picture

Sample Kindergarten Schedules

I googled "kindergarten daily schedule".  Here is a summary of the amount of free play time in the first ten full day schedule results.  Note that while all the schedules had some recess time, the majority of the results have no in class free play time.  Full schedules are shown below.


RecycleJack Marine's picture

Opportunity FYI for kids

Hi Everyone,

I hope you can help me spread the word to any 13-17 year olds that you know (and their parents)... The MEERWALD is scheduled to leave on two awesome summer camps - July 20-24th from Liberty State Park to Beach Haven and July 27-31 from Beach Haven to Cape May. Each is a Monday through Friday with a special sail for the parents of the campers on Friday afternoon.

There are a bunch of spaces left and we are offering a $150 'Recession Discount' to anyone who books between now and the start of camp. Regularly $750, now $600 for 5 days and 4 nights of potentially life-changing experiences -- character building, challenging, educational and FUN!

joycetheriot's picture

Engaging the Whole Mind in Science Education

 Inquiry for me: Pursuit of deep understanding within myself as initiated by curiosity that might be tested by materials but definitely (tested) by the opinion of my community.


Engaging the Storyteller and the Cognitive Unconscious in Science Education : SCALE

Paul Grobstein's picture

Relections on openness and structure in education

The following was written by Bharath Vallabha, following a session on emergent pedagogy in a summer session for K-12 teachers in which Bharath participated.  It is relevant a well to current discussions of the Evolving Systems group about its own organization and, more generally, to issues of human community organization generally. 


I. Three Aims in Education

Here are three aims for a classroom:

joycetheriot's picture

INDEX to Joyce's Webpages

Brain Blues Joyce's index

School Year 2010-2011 Metacognition Research
Summer 2010 (Click

Inquiry Institute 2009 - Participants

Inquiry Institute 2009

Participants List with links to Personal Blogs

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