Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

Diedre Bennett's picture

First Blog


Dalia Gorham's picture

First Blog Assignment

Hi! My name is Dalia Gorham, I teach 3rd grade at Samuel B. Huey School.  Huey is located in West Philadelphia and is part of the School District of Philadelphia. I have been teaching for 9 years. It is my hope that all of my students become independent thinkers and be successful in all that they do. The most pressing issues/obsticles in my classroom is the wide range of abilities.


...You Are Not Alone

...Man in the Mirror


Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

My Home Page for Inquiry 2009

Hi! I teach science 7-9 and I enjoy these institutes!  I teach inclusion with developmental challenges from emotional support to learning support in Chester-Upland School District.  I am looking for cool ideas to challenge and engage my students using multi-intelligences!

Some of the most pressing issues I have for my class is to get them to think outside of the box!  Trying to motivate them to use their strengths in the classroom and become more positive; to bury the past and look for a brighter future!


Wil Franklin's picture

Test blog

Wil Franklin playing around on his blog

Stephen Cooney's picture

Introducing Steve Cooney

 Teaching is a second career for me after 20+ years in the construction industry.

I've taught at DVFS for 16 years, mostly math, 11 years as the department head, the last 2 years I've taught a hands-on physics course to 9th graders.

With a student population of bright, (average to above average IQ) LD students (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Disgraphia, etc) our curriculum provides the kids with an activity to reinforce all of the lessons.  I use the curriculum to help them learn to use appropriate compensatory skills for their particular learning style.

RecycleJack Marine's picture

Thank you Wil Franklin

I am so glad Wil invited me to his institute starting today, July 20, 2009. Although I have been using inquiry based educational lessons over the past seven years, I do not know where I will be teaching in September and I am cautiously optimstic that I will be teaching in a school where inquiry is welcomed!

Brie Stark's picture

Inquiry Institute Introduction

My name is Brielle Stark -- I am a rising sophomore at Bryn Mawr College and a proposed psychology major (concentration in neural and behavior science).  I'm a learner, athlete, outdoors-lover, reader, writer, pianist, conversationlist and much more!

Wil Franklin's picture

Introducing Wil Franklin

I've been teaching for 9 yrs, at Bryn Mawr for 7 yrs and coordinating the Summer Institute for 5 yrs.

I come from a family of educators, mom, dad, brother, sister, wife.

Students and summer institute participants have been the greatest shapers of my teaching appoarch.

I teach less for what I have to say and more for what I can learn about teaching and learning.  The institute and my classroom are my research, my labortory and field site.

My favorit metaphor for a classroom is that of  an "Improvisational Dance" -  both between students and students and teacher.

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