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Moira Messick's picture

Bubbles and Space

I enjoyed Joyce's lesson on bubbles today and it raised many questions for me.  I initially got a little stuck on the goal of the lesson.  Would it be "Identifying the importance of variables" or "What makes the best bubble?"  There I was, stuck on content again!  I like the idea of having an overall goal of "Introducing the Scientific Method."  Hmmmm .... I think I need more time for this...

Stephen Cooney's picture

Alison's lesson

 Critique of Alison’s lesson


Stephanie Dubin's picture


The lesson was a great way to introduce the scientific method and how it can be altered to meet your grades specific needs. This would be a great way to set the stage for classroom expectations on group work. Thanks for the new ideas and I can't wait to use it in my classroom.

Diane Balanovich's picture


We adapted the morning lesson to develop a template for a content area lesson.


1. Write the first three words that you think of when I say ____________________.

              Using those three words write a story about ______________________.

              Short mini lesson on ______________________. (definition)

2.  Using the given definition how does your story relate to ________________.

Stephanie Dubin's picture


Normal 0

Edward Bujak's picture

Lesson plan(s) idea(s) (THIS WILL CHANGE!)

Pattern Investigations - Discrete Math Concepts


---PRE-METACOGNITION (awareness of process):

Show a few examples that students have seen.

What do you think it is?  Write a narrative about something you have seen like this.

What is still confusing beofre we start new material?



Syreeta Bennett's picture

Creating self awareness in the classroom

I found that Allison's lesson was interesting. I'm not a biology person, so having a lesson that was grounded in my life experiences was a welcolmed change. Since I'm teaching kindergarten this year I will have to mofify the lesson.  In the beginning of the year I will ask them to draw of picture of what they want to do in school. I will then ask them to draw a picture of what scares them about school. I then want them to draw of picture of what they want me to do in school.  I will then ask them to share their pictures in a group and I will walk around discussing their pictures with the kids. Afterwards I will bring them to the floor and with volunteers, create a chart recording children ideas about their pictures. Finally, I will summarize the leasson and chart.

Moira Messick's picture


Diane, Wil and I collaborated to come up with the following template to integrate into a metacognitive lesson:


I. "What are the first three words that come to mind when I say ____________________________."

alesnick's picture

The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Mentor's Edition

Sandra Gandarez and Julia Vance
The following chapter consists of excerpts from students working as mentors discussing issues they faced in their unique placements. A variety of solutions are considered through the lens of readings addressing the issues in a broader sense.
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