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RecycleJack Marine's picture

The Future Is Looking Brighter

I secured my new teaching position today! I will be teaching middle school science at The Global Leadership Academy Charter School.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: August 2009 Core Group Meeting

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

August 18, 2009 Core Group Meeting

Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion

Background (Paul's version):

Paul Grobstein's picture

Loopiness: conflict, humanness, and the universe

I've been thinking a lot this summer not only about my own story of myself but also about some general ways of thinking about ... selves, interpersonal relations, inquiry, humanity, and our relation to the universe.  Central to all is has been the notion of "looping," a recurrent and infinitely extended process in which existing structures and forms interact with each other and with an underlying persistent randomness to generate new structures and forms.    

Paul Grobstein's picture

From homes and perches to the cosmos, and back again

Alice and Paul work together in several venues, including the Evolving Systems project and a manuscript in progress integrating biological and social perspectives on education.   

Over lunch one day, Alice offered  that she (and other human beings?) appreciates, even needs,  "perches" in addition to "homes" as resources for living the way she likes/hopes to live.

Brie Stark's picture

Analysis: Summer Institutes

This summer, I participated in the summer institutes with K-12 teachers, sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  The goal of my summer research activities was to participate in and facilitate discussion, form relationships and develop new ideas in relation to the brain, education, mental health and inquiry with K-12 teachers in both the Brain and Behavior Institute, lead by Paul Grobstein, and the Inquiry Institute, lead by Wilfred Franklin.  I will summarize these institutes and offer conclusions and further points of discussion for the future.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems and Education

Teaching Shamanism:
A Conversation About Education, the Unconscious and Stories,
Community Dynamics, and Life

joycetheriot's picture


Working BIG head Thinking



Diane Balanovich's picture


Nature is man’s teacher.  She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eyes, illumes his mind, purifies his heart; and influence breathes from all sights and sounds of her existence.

                                                                                    -Alfred Billing Street

Metaphors for Teaching


Physical Space versus Learning Space

  • How did the arrangement and rearrangement of the physical space affect you?



Metaphors for Teaching and Learning

  • Mirror versus Hub -n- Spoke
  • Open-Transactional Inquiry versus Guided Inquiry



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