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Deesha Lockett's picture

Critique a lesson

Here is a website for a lesson on pollution:

how people affect the environment

how pollution affects plants and animals

how to get rid of waste at school

I think this is a topic of interest that students would have a lot of thoughts and questions about

It gives students an opportunity to share what they currently understand about pollution and discuss the different experiences they have with litter and pollution in regards to the different environment they live in. The activity of collecting samples of trash around the school gives opportunity to make surprising observations of items they might not expect to find at school.

Teresa Albers's picture

A Head Start On Science: Creating A Sense of Wonder

This book, entitled Getting A Head Start on Science: Creating A Sense of Wonder, is a collection of science activities designed by the National Science Teachers Association for use in Head Start classrooms. The book has several sections including: Senses, Physical Science, Critters,Water & Water Mixtures, Seeds, and Nature Walks. Two samples lessons were available for previewing; one lesson was on Pumpkin Insides and the other was about Ramps.

bronstein's picture

Edutopia as a source for inquiry and project based learning

For a year or 2 now I have subscribed to edutopia, an organization started (or at least funded) by George Lucas.  It's stated purpose is to further the use of inquiry-based and interdisciplinary methods of education.  Each month (or several times a month by the # of emails I get from them) they find or create and disseminate ideas, suggestions or plans for project based lessons for all age groups.  One article I just came across that had meaning for me can be found at:

RecycleJack Marine's picture

Inquiron Lesson on Decomposition

Here is an interesting lesson I found on my favorite science subject. Click here for the lesson.
RecycleJack Marine's picture

More Inquiry - A few difinitions

Operational Definitions of Inquiry-Related Terms

This project will focus on several aspects of inquiry that are operationally defined as follows:

RecycleJack Marine's picture

check out this source fore Inquiry science lessons
joycetheriot's picture

Delivery System Inquiry

Barbara Kauffman's picture


Teachers can utilize great rubrics from the site - teach-nology - to assess their students, individually or as groups, in any subject area. I usually attach the rubrics to the students' work or place it inside of their folders. Students have access to them and they are great to show parents during report card conferences. I have included one that could be used for this activity.
RecycleJack Marine's picture

Metaphorical Science

How could the word "worm" be a metaphor for science? Because worms are always exploring, moving about in the soil, they are living things and they also have feelings (according to Darwin-

What's the difference between words and pictures? Pictures can create many opportunities for using words, but words are limited. I liked drawing my idea of science and what I think my students think of science. I associate Chemistry experiments as a visual image of science in general terms. I think the students in urban settings may visualize science as what's in the sky, in water, and walks on land.

Diane OFee-Powers's picture

Humanities and Science

It was a pleasure to be a student of Anne's once again and listen to the discussions from the humanities department and the science department!

As I stated before I am scheduled to teach RELA next year with the possibility of teaching science. Therefore, I enjoyed today's activities and do plan to use this in my classroom. Today's discussion of having the students drawing first, then writing isn't anything new, BUT..... it was a gentle to remind me to get back in the habit of having the kids utilize their artistic abilities. The students are responsible for 5 writing assignments per report card period, AND writing can be like pulling teeth! (similie) Hopefully, by having them draw, etc will assist them in their writing assignments.

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