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bronstein's picture

Another source for interactive net-based learning.

We are admonished as teachers in the 21st century to have our students "utilize technology" in their learning. Normally, this means to have the students learn by doing work using computers and the Internet. Sometimes this seems to complicate the learning process unnecessarily by bringing into the process an additional variable. I'm feeling more and more, tho, that our kids are so much more comfortable online than they are offline. As a result, they may be easier to reach if they are engaged online during the learning process. That's one reason I like Webassign. It is non-threatening and (to a degree) non-judgemental (at least emotionally).

Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Brain and Behavior Summer Fun Next Year's Learning

What I plan to do next school year!

I plan to use the creative ideas of my cognitive unconscious and my I -function combined to help my students become more creative, while having fun in their learning adventure. I plan to use "Scratch" for an introduction to a unit on Ecology along with the interactive games. Eventually, I would like my students to create a comic book of "Scratch in the Environment."

Fall project

Cynthia Henderson's picture


link to scratch project:
Babtunde A Oronti's picture

Ecosystem Stability



The balance of population in an ecosystem is a function of the population ratio of its producers, primary and secondary consumers.


Bernadine Dancy's picture

Computor program for class

Scratch is a computer program in which when given a set of commands Scratch will respond. I will use this computer program in my classroom as a word recognition activity. In this activity Scratch responds to the question,WHAT IS THIS? with a picture and multiple-choice answers. When the correct answer is pressed or selected, the voice along with the word says good job! If the answer is incorrect the word oops! will appear.
Ayotola Oronti's picture

Even girl chimps learn faster than boy chimps

         Wild chimpanzees at Gombe National Park in Tanzania love to eat termites. They make tools out of flexible stems and grasses, which they poke into termite mounds to pull out the yummy bugs. Termite fishing isn't easy, however, and park researchers wanted to know how young chimps learned the skill.

The new study has demonstrated there is a distinct difference between how quickly females and males pick up this cultural trait, even though mothers showed no preference in teaching sons or daughters.

Seta Palmer's picture


         Sum Ins 08Sum Ins 08     

Ashley Dawkins's picture

Teaching Physics

Teaching Physics
Babtunde A Oronti's picture

Survival of the fittest





“Over time a society or community of living things will gradually gravitate towards a form of organized setup (beneficial or detrimental) without necessarily having any external input. "Babatunde Oronti 2008"

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