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Definition - Thalamus

Thalamus - a large mass of gray matter deeply situated in the forebrain at the topmost portion of the diencephalon. The structure has sensory and motor functions. Almost all sensory information enters this structure where neurons send that information to the overlying cortex. Axons from every sensory system (except olfaction) synapse here as the last relay site before the information reaches the cerebral cortex


Definition - Temporal Lobe

Temporal Lobe - located below the frontal and parietal lobes; involved in perception and recognition of auditory stimuli and memory

lobes of the cerebral cortex

Definition - Pons

Pons - part of the metencephalon in the hindbrain. It is involved in motor control and sensory analysis; for example, information from the ear first enters the brain in the pons. It has parts that are important for the level of consciousness and for sleep. Some structures within the pons are linked to the cerebellum, thus are involved in movement and posture


Definition - Peripheral Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - portion of the nervous system that incluces all the nerves and neurons outside the brain and spinal cord

peripheral nervous system

Definition - Parietal Lobe

Parietal Lobe - located behind the frontal cortex (and central sulcus); involved in perception of stimuli related to touch, pressure, temperature, and pain

lobes of the cerebral cortex

Definition - Occipital Lobe

Occipital Lobe - the posterior lobe of the brain; involved with vision (the "occipital cortex" is also referred to as the "visual cortex")

lobes of the cerebral cortex

Definition - Neuron

Neuron - the basic building block of the brain; these cells receive input from other nerve cells and distribute information to other neurons; the information integration underlies the simplest and most complex of our thoughts and behaviors

schematic of biological neuron

Definition - Medulla Oblongata/Myelencephalon

Medulla Oblongata - this structure is the caudal-most part of the brain stem, between the pons and spinal cord. It is responsible for maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing and heartrate

medulla oblongata

Definition - Hypothalamus

Hypothalamus - part of the diencephalon, ventral to the thalamus. The structure is involved in functions including homeostasis, emotion, thirst, hunger, circadian rhythms, and control of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, it controls the pituitary gland

a coronal view of the hypothalamus


Definition - Hippocampus

Hippocampus - the portion of the cerebral hemisphers in basal medial part of the temporal lobe. This part of the brain is important for learning and memory -- for converting short term memory to more permanent memory, and for recalling spatial relationships in the world about us

a coronal view of the hippocampus

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