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Evolution and Literature Web Projects 4

This is the fourth, and final, set of web projects to emerge from The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, a course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Spring 2011. As the semester ends, students are making use of the biological, philosophical and literary stories of the course to create new, interesting, useful stories of their own.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about evolution and literature?

ajohnstonA Creative Conversation Between Three Texts
alexandrakgThe Evolution Tibetan Sand Mandala: Perspectives on the Evolution of Life and Artistic Expression
AnnaPWhat is the revolutionary potential of comics as a medium?
ashleyEvolving in the Classroom
bhealyToday's Version of Me
ckosarekThe Role of Fiction in Science (A Discussion)
cr88Deus Ex Serendip: A "Heavenly" New Perspective On Some Familiar Issues
cwalkerThe Story of Anthropology: How our Perceptions of the Development of Societies & Cultures have Evolved
cwalkerThe Story of Anthropology: How our Perceptions of the Development of Societies & Cultures have Evolved
DawnFan Fiction: Evolution of Storytelling
dfishervanA Last Minute Edit
ellyFinal Project - Video Representation of the Forum
ems8140The Evolution of Psychology
ewashburnThe Role of Fiction in Science (A Discussion)
GaviaTransects Evolit Final Paper
hannahgiseleFaulkner and the Three Forms of Storytelling
hlehmanEvolution in the media: the translation of our story in The New York Times
hopeA Story for Children
katlittrellThe Role of Fiction in Science (A Discussion)
kgrassLeave it to Chance...
LethologicaWorldbuilding: The Role of Science in Fantasy
LynnAn Unlikely Conversation
mgz24Evolution in Don Quixote
mindyhuskinsThe Story of This Class: A Completely True and Faithful Account of What Happened in This Course Over the Past Semester
OrganizedKhaosTo Stand Up or Stand Back: A Question of Ethics and Activism in Anthropology
phyllobates A Scientific Inquiry into the Art of Scientific Writing
PoppyflowerLeave it to Chance...
rachelrWhat is the Role of Fiction in Science? (A Discussion)
Sarah SchnellbacherCatholicism on Evolution and the Evolution of Catholicism
skindeepfinal project
tangerinesEvoLit Final Web Event: Pestilence
the.believerThe 20th Century Plague
themwordA Political Science Major’s Understanding of Science - Webpaper 4
vlopezWhat it means to be Immortal


Evolution and Literature Web Projects 3

This is the third set of web projects to emerge from The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, a course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Spring 2011. Three months into the semester, students are thinking about aspects of the evolution of literary stories that particularly interest--or are useful--to them.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about evolution and literature?

ajohnstonThe Expanding Presence of Film in Education
alexandrakgAdaptation and Jane Eyre
AnnaPThe Evolution of Storytelling: Comics as a Revolutionary Narrative Form in Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics
ashleyMoving Away from Paper, Onto the Screen and Virtual Pages
bhealyAccepting Change: Angels in America from Broadway to HBO
ckosarekDear Diary: Tell My Secrets to Everyone
cr88Screw This: The Challenge of Representing Ambiguity in Filmic Adaptations of Henry James’ “The Turn of the Screw”
CremisiBred in Captivity: Stories in Their Natural and Not-So-Natural Habitats
cwalkerEvolution of Genres in Latin American Literature: The Birth of the Testimonio (Testimonial Narrative)
DawnLiterature as Reality and Reality as Literature
dfishervanA Story is a Story is a Story?
elly"Can't we just watch the movie??"
ems8140Tick Tock Tick Tock...Freeze: Time Orientation and The Plague
ewashburnComics Conundrum: An Examination of Alan Moore Film Adaptations
hlehmanYoung Adult Fiction
hopeLessons from Bertha
jhercherThe Cowboy's Hat: Metaphor and Imagery in Cinema
katlittrellOn This Unworthy Scaffold, Make Imaginary Puissance
kgrassFinding Meaning in the World Through Tap Dancing
LethologicaSleeping Beauties and Evolving Stories: A Cross-culteral Examination
LynnAdaptation as Deconstruction
mgz24Have Disney Princesses Evolved?
mindyhuskinsIf Juliet is the Sun, What is a Metaphor?
OrganizedKhaosTo Show or To Tell
phyllobatesA Picture is Worth 1,000 Words, but What are the Words that We Choose?
PoppyflowerChocolat can Inspire Change
rachelrMy words fly up, my thoughts remain below
Sarah SchnellbacherEvolution of Translation
skindeepmovies vs novels
tangerinesThe Women of the Plague
the.believerA Critique of the Criticism of Film Adaptations
themwordLaughter Beyond Resilience - Webpaper #3
Vivien ChenCinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty not the “Fairest” Anymore: The Role of the Feminine Beauty Ideal in Fairy Tales
vlopezCyclical Evolution: From Plague to Italian


Evolution and Literature Web Projects 2

This is the second set of web projects to emerge from The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, a course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Spring 2011. Two months into the semester, students are thinking through aspects of the story of evolution beyond the context of biology which are of particular interest or use to them.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about evolution and literature?

ajohnstonMusic of Evolution: Natural Selection and Jazz Improvisation
alexandrakgEvolution and Stories in Political Science
AnnaP"Changing the Story": Using Memes for Social Change
ashleyA Journey Through Cultures: Becoming Fit in American Society
bhealyFirst Comes Love then Comes Marriage? The Evolution of Marriage in the United States
ckosarek27 Million Views and Counting: Could There Be a Science of Memitics?
cr88Memetic Revolution: Agency and Cultural Evolution in the Middle East and North Africa Protests of 2011
CremisiLegit Evolution
cwalkerEvolving Identities: A Focus on Immigrant Communities
DawnThe Deerstalker - No Explanation Needed
dfishervanOverlooking the Foundation of your Foundation: Darwinian Medicine's Role in the Medical Community
ellyEvolution in Urban Development: Planning, Control Memes and Competition for Space
ems8140Cultural Programming: Beneficial or Maladaptive?
ewashburnIt's All Greek to Meme: Ancient Greek Theater and the Effectiveness of Dennett's "Dangerous Idea"
hannahgiseleThe Different Types of Evolution that Words Undergo
hlehmanHumans, Trees, and Education
hopeAnother Picture of Memes
ib4walrusHatred, what is the point?
jhercherDaniel Dennett and Intellectual Flexibility
katlittrellSlang: It's Heaps Hectic
kgrassThe Culture of Evolution
LethologicaSeeking Cinderella: A Brief Glimpse of the Evolution of Fairytales
LynnThe Soul of Evolution
mgz24The Evolution of Violence in Sports
mindyhuskinsNo Book is New: The Continuing Evolution of Literature
OrganizedKhaosFrom Bones to Beliefs: Evolution of Anthropology and its Stories
phyllobatesThe Synchronized Evolution of the Meme of Time and Timekeeping Devices
PoppyflowerChanging Society or Changing Sexuality?
rachelrHow high can we fly, and on wings made of what?
Sarah SchnellbacherThe New Meaning of AI
skindeepDanielle Dennett and Free Will – Is Free Will an Evolutionary Gift?
tangerinesWhat Dennett Got Wrong
the.believerEvolution of Language: Chomsky & Dennett
themwordThe Art of Persasion Through Abuse - EvoLit Webpaper 2
Vivien ChenLanguage On Intelligence
vlopezShow jumping: Real Algorithm


The Story of Evolution: Web Projects 1

These are the first web projects to emerge from The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories, a course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Spring 2011. One month into the semester, students are thinking through some of the problems that have been raised in their minds by our discussion of biological evolution.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about evolution and literature?

ajohnstonRhetorical Landscape In The Origin of Species
alexandrakgEvoLit: Paper 1, The Evolution of Education
AnnaPEducating Evolutionarily
ashleyJuxtaposing Religion & Science
bhealyTeaching Evolution: Devoid of Labels, Full of Inspiration
ckosarekOn the Argument of the Origin
cr88Evolution and Homosexuality
CremisiThe Weimaraner and the Wolf
cwalkerWebpaper #1: Stories of Evolution in the Classroom
DawnTeaching Evolution Evolutionarily
dfishervan"Passionate for What"
ellyTeaching Evolution: A brief look at how to teach the multiple stories of evolution
ems8140Life Story: Foundational or Non-Foundational
ewashburnOn the Origin of the Argument
GaviaEssential Character of Non-Life Evolution
hannahgiseleEvolution vs. Creationism in Education
hlehmanEvolution in the Classroom
hopeLamarck and Epigenetics
ib4walrusThe Gay Gene
jhercher The Validity of Certain Narratives: Scientific vs. Religious Stories
katlittrellSemantics of Foundation
kgrassSelective Observation
KTDoes Keeping the Less Fit Alive Help or Hurt Us?
LethologicaMind the Gap: Exploring the Rift between Science and Religion
LynnComprehending Evolution
mgz24Why teach opposing views?
mindyhuskinsDarwin's Big Problem
OrganizedKhaosThe How and Why of Our World
phyllobatesEvolution as Both a Process Over and a Theory Across Time
PoppyflowerIs the "Right" Way the Correct Way?
rachelrConservation efforts: backtracking along evolution, or still more randomness?
Sarah SchnellbacherThe Stagnation of Evolution through Standardization
skindeepconsciousness and evolution
tangerinesEvoLit Web Paper 1: How Should We Teach Evolution?
the.believerOne Story of Evolution
themwordOn the Political Language of Charles Darwin
Vivien ChenSurvival of the Selfless
vlopezThe Quest for Truth: Science & Religion


The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories: A Syllabus

Syllabus for
The Story of Evolution and
the Evolution of Stories:

Exploring the Significance of Diversity
Biology/English 223
Bryn Mawr College

The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories


The Story of Evolution and
The Evolution of Stories:
Exploring the
Significance of Diversity

Jan Trembley's picture

Branding truth

"Brands are stories told by businesses or non-profits about who they are and what they do." There are truths about branding, but is branding truth or fiction?

SandraGandarez's picture

More HeLa, Less Henrietta Lacks

I did a Prezi to build up the contributions of HeLa cells. Hit play and use the arrow keys to go backward or forward in the presentation. I hope you all enjoy! :)

rachelr's picture

The Last Act

 For my final hurrah for Non-Fictional Prose I decided to make a graphic novel. My decision came from a desire to revisit some things that I had resisted within the class. Graphic novels were something that I resisted in Literary Kinds, and something that we returned to again in this class. My graphic novel traces the learning that I went through in this class, and as we were all so hard on poor Arne, I dedicated a portion of my novel to his ecology of wisdom; just something to highlight what the ecological costs of many things are, things that we don't always think about. 

Is my graphic novel "the truth?" How much is fact versus how much is fiction? That is something that I will leave up to the readers to determine...

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