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genesisbui's picture

The Evolution of the Individual: The Brain and its Construction of Reality

Genesis Bui
Assignment #8
17 December 2010
The Evolution of the Individual:
The Brain and its Construction of Reality

genesisbui's picture

The Evolution of the Individual: The Brain and its Construction of Reality

Genesis Bui

Assignment #8

17 December 2010

The Evolution of the Individual:

The Brain and its Construction of Reality

Kirsten's picture

The Experience Timeline

 Kirsten Johnson

Imittleman's picture

The Creation of Creation

Hello.  Welcome to the story of Creation. I’ll soon launch into the tale of what happened, but before I do so, I feel it’s polite to introduce myself. I am the narrator of the story, the one who made the world be.  I don’t really have any physical description, since I don’t possess any shape or form. I’m more of a verb, if that makes sense. But I’ll go into more that later. The important thing you need to know is that I created the world. It sounds a bit strange, but it just sort of happened. Besides, it’s a nice thing to bring up in conversation.

pfischer's picture

Semester Reflection


jaranda's picture

Mulitiplicity of Definitions


FatCatRex's picture

Anthropology Senior Seminar Syllabus

Anthropology 450: Senior Thesis Seminar
Fall 2010
Friday, 1:30– 4 p.m.
Gest 103
Course description:
 The senior thesis seminar is a year-long course in which you (a senior
anthropology major) design, implement, and write up an original research project.  
During the fall semester, you develop and/or refine a thesis topic, do library research, and
conduct field work.  You also write one thesis chapter (by the end of the semester).  
Anthropology 450 also includes some assignments that will help you develop skills in
ethnographic methods, library research, and thesis writing.  
Course work:

FatCatRex's picture

History and Theory of Anthropology Syllabus

Anthropology 303: History and Theory of Anthropology

Autumn 2010

Tuesday, Thursday 11:30-1


FatCatRex's picture

Introduction to Anthropology

Anthropology 103: Introduction to Anthropology
Fall 2010
TTh 10:00 – 11:30, 11:30 – 1
Chase 104
Course Description
Anthropology is the study of human beings, within and across specific social and cultural
environments.  In this course we look at some ideas about what it means to be human, and some
institutions, processes, and forces implicated in the formation and transformation of group and
individual identities.  Our approach is ethnographic and comparative: we study particular peoples
and places in depth, and we compare particular places and peoples with one another and with

kgould's picture


Here are the links to my final project, "FACTS DON'T EXIST," a small graphic experiment on story-telling, comic books, and non-fiction prose.

Images are on DeviantArt because of file size issues.


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