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elovejoy's picture

Observations from 10/6/09

Observations from 10/6/09

Emily Lovejoy


Paul Grobstein's picture

The Faculty Learning Commmunity for Science and Math Education



Brie Stark's picture

Observations and Interpretations-- Oct 5 2009

Observations & Interpretations

Week of October 5, 2009; Brielle Stark

Project: Bubbleology II



Owl's picture


This video was so compelling  the first time I saw and I thought it illustrated how we "fall into a game", the game of everyday life, and either end up winning or losing, or sometimes not moving at all.

Jill Bean's picture

September/October Update

As a result of my exploration into the importance of play in the lives of people of all ages, I have instituted a 30 minute free play time in my classroom each morning.  The children enjoy building with blocks, reading books, drawing, making their own books, creating things out of recycled objects, working with the math manipulatives, using Legos and K-Nexs, and playing board games.  So far I have left this time completely open to their own interests.  As we move into more thematic learning, I will make more things and activities related to our themes available during this free play time. 

meredyd's picture

Designing Our Learning


w0m_n's picture

Looking Outside of Ourselves

Rhapsodica's picture

Moving Beyond Books: Reading Lives

In my first paper, I wrote about how, as a child, I would get invested in the fictional worlds of books and find myself thinking of the characters as friends of mine. As I grew up, the “real world” took over my consciousness, and I stopped getting lost in books the way I once did. As a college student, I feel like this is partially due to the sheer lack of time that I have to read and engage with books, but also because I didn’t come to each book looking to extract its themes and motifs, to pull apart the narrative rather than simply enjoying it. Back then, I didn’t approach each novel with an agenda.
Oak's picture


Last time I wrote, I spoke mainly about my experiences in high school as well as a little about my first semester of college. However, I would now like to update this story to the present and then look into the future. I am going to look at what I know about gender and sexuality, try to look at what I don’t know, and then propose what and how I would like to learn more about gender and sexuality.

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