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Notes Towards Day 11: Into the Vortex (Of Designing Our Syllabus Together...)
Notes Towards Day 11:
Into the Vortex....
Feel warmly invited to the new "open and open-ended conversation" about
matter, form, meaning, aesthetics, emergent, evolving processes....

Nudging Ourselves and Others Towards Day 12
Nudging Ourselves and Others Towards Day 12--and Fall Break!
I. coursekeeping
anyone attend/want to report on "Sex, Politics, and Cancer: The Future of the HPV Vaccine"?
what to report on the process of identifying your subject group & generating 5 questions?
can you begin to imagine how you might present the data you'll be gathering?
will your surveys function as nudges? might you think about introducing some??

Notes Towards Day 11: On Becoming Students of Error
Notes Towards Day 11: On Becoming Students of Error
I. coursekeeping