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dshetterly's picture

Dreaming Education

Image taken from:
Before this class...
            Part of what ma
Terrible2s's picture

Identity 101: How to Study Ourselves

     The study of gender and sexuality seems like a joke. How could it be a real study? It is comparable almost to saying that one is minoring in “race.” How could a part of one’s identity, whether they choose it or not (opinions may vary), be a field of study?
Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 12: Re-ordering Our Dream Space

Notes Towards Day 12:
Re-ordering Our Dream Space

jrlewis's picture

Insomnia as a Social Construct...

Senior Seminar in Biology and Society
October 20, 2009
Julia Lewis

I would like to explore the role of society in current understandings of insomnia as a disease, symptom, or social construct.  To that end, I chose a broad range of readings including cultural, medical, and scientific perspectives on insomnia and sleep.  Hopefully these readings will help inform a conversation about the significance of sleep and its absence in human beings.

(Please download the full text pdfs of the articles)

role of sleep

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 11: Into the Vortex (Of Designing Our Syllabus Together...)

Notes Towards Day 11:
Into the Vortex....

Feel warmly invited to the new "open and open-ended conversation" about
matter, form, meaning, aesthetics, emergent, evolving processes....

Anne Dalke's picture

Nudging Ourselves and Others Towards Day 12

Nudging Ourselves and Others Towards Day 12--and Fall Break!

I. coursekeeping

anyone attend/want to report on
"Sex, Politics, and Cancer: The Future of the HPV Vaccine"?

what to report on the process of identifying your subject group & generating 5 questions?
can you begin to imagine how you might present the data you'll be gathering?

will your surveys function as nudges? might you think about introducing some??

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 11: On Becoming Students of Error

Notes Towards Day 11: On Becoming Students of Error

I. coursekeeping

ED's picture

Music and Order of Feeling

            Considering myself to be a fairly cognizant, observant person, I always notice when my heart goes aflutter, or sinks, or starts beating faster. There are several events that make my heart react this way: when I hope for eye contact with someone and then they meet my stare, when someone I like looks me in the eye, when I think of something scary that could happen or something very important that is impending or a deadline that is approaching, when I witness something so nice or so cute that my heart melts in approval. I understand that these reactions are due to the hormonal responses my body has to what my senses perceive in the environment around me.

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