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lcorhan's picture

Is God Golden?


JJ's picture

Homosexuality in Animals

Homosexuality in Animals
            While human observations have long noted homosexual behavior in animals, more recent studies have focused specifically on homosexuality and its causes and effects amongst animal species. The importance of diversity- including homosexuality- within a species has been long debated; Darwin thought of diversity as having numerous possibilities for a species but contrarily sometimes believed that it left more chances for impurities and "
JPierre's picture

Traditional Medicine: Urban Myth or Secret Lifesaver?

When I was sick as a little girl, my mother would use all types of traditional Haitian concoctions and ideas to treat my symptoms. Fearing them immensely, I would run and hide thinking that she was absolutely nuts and preferring Tylenol or Robitussin instead. Yet, now I find myself following her traditions as opposed to shelling out money on the generic medicines at CVS. Maybe over time I became used to these, but I truly believed that they worked.

paoli.roman's picture

The Art of Flatulence

 It happens to all of us. “Passing Gas”, “cut the cheese”, or “breaking wind”; it could happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Imagine standing in line at the bank and all of a sudden an uncanny sensation erupts in your stomach and an unpleasant smell ascends out of nowhere; and you think how embarrassing!

Lili's picture

Lateralization in Horses

Hemispheric Lateralization in Horses

cejensen's picture

Information on the Causes of Congenital Disorders

    Someone dear to me was born with a number of physical (not mental) birth defects known together as VACTERL Association. This person spent a great deal of time in the hospital as a baby, and had a number of surgeries at a young age. Now this person is perfectly healthy, but this person is still, albeit to a relatively small degree, visibly “different.” Ever since I was quite young, I have struggled with the reason why. It has always seemed frustratingly unjust to me that most people are born with “regular” bodies, while some, seemingly randomly, are not. Here, I will explore the causes of disorders like VACTERL, and also look into the differences, if any, between “genetic” and “developmental” birth defects.

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