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Paul Grobstein's picture

Multiple worlds, multiple interpretations: quantum physics and the brain

Very interesting seminar last night by Guy Blaylock on the multiple worlds interpretation of quantum physics.  Nice example of the principle that a given set of empirical observations is always subject to multiple interpretations, ie that there is always a perspectival or "subjective" element in scientific stories.  And an interesting dissection of reasons for preferring one or another several stories, a dissection that might in turn lead to some new stories.

As Guy neatly pointed out, the "traditional" interpretation of quantum physics has several "weirdnesses," with one more coming up in discussion:

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: Open Conversations Home Page

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

Evolving Systems:
Open Conversations

Anne Dalke's picture

Field Trip to Pete's Produce

Field Trip to Pete's Produce
September 19, 2009


Paul Grobstein's picture

Reconceiving Inquiry: Againstness and Non-Foundationalism

Paul Grobstein
Evolving Systems Core Group
22 September 2009
Notes for session

(see here for background, session summary and continuing conversation)

"being" is an unstable state, it is provisional and experimental ... Mark Lord

Food Microbiology

  • Wine
  • Sake*
  • Beer
  • Vinegar
  • Cheese
  • Soy Sauce
  • Sauerkraut
  • Yogurt
  • Tempeh*
  • Oncom
  • Quorn
  • Kombucha *


Microbial Husbandry (Preferential Selection and Management of Beneficial Micro-Organisms):

ttruong's picture

Science's Response to Antibiotics Resistance

Senior Seminar in Biology and Society

September 22, 2009


Scientists' Responsibilities in the Antibiotics Resistance Crisis 

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 8: Thinking Back Through Our Mothers

Thinking Back Through Our Mothers






Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 7: What is Health?

Notes towards Day 7 of Food for Thought:
What is Health?

I. Coursekeeping
who's game to go all the way 'round?

what did we learn from our field trip/finale to Section I of the course?
(post this on-line by Thursday-->thinking also about the environmental costs of what you learned)

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