Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

LizJ's picture

So Much More Than Vegetable Soup

 My image didn't show up on my essay, so I'm going to try this again...

justouttheasylum's picture

Women, Questions and Doritos

                                                                                           Asia Gobourne

ebock's picture

the journey

back roads
My gender has everything and nothing to do with my life, but my life has everything to do with my education. My education has been from living in the in-between. I have learned about the world around me by moving between cultures, slipping between the cracks, and pulling myself out of them.
I have always been an “old soul:” I have always felt tired.
Terrible2s's picture

Window to the world


twig's picture


Karina's picture

My Education


image source:

Alice's picture

Alice and Education (the sound/image accompanying my paper)

Meet Alice. Alice grows up in a single-parent environment, suffering emotional hardships but aware of her life’s material benefits. She knows that she has been given the resources and the opportunities to succeed in life and will not be happy with anything but the utmost success. “If I don’t do well on every quiz, test, paper, or discussion,” she thinks, “I will have failed and disappointed.”

kjmason's picture

What they taught me


Carolina Beauty Shop Chapel Hill 1-1943 Medium Web view.jpg

Image taken from:


Brie Stark's picture

Brain and Inquiry: Praxis III

Brain and Inquiry: Praxis III Independent Study

Researcher: Brielle Stark, Bryn Mawr College '12

Research Questions:

  • Are open-ended activities engaging to students?
  • Do open-ended activities transfer knowledge to students?
  • Is there a difference between teacher and student perceptions of open-ended activities?


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