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Notes Towards Day 6: Changing Education
Notes towards Day 6 of Food for Thought: Changing Education
I. Coursekeeping
problems/coaching for: logging in? (some anonymous posts, all self-caught)
Play around w/ making your postings more interesting:
add a gr/avatar or images??

Evolving Systems: September 2009 Core Group Meeting
The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics
September 22, 2009 Core Group Meeting
Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion
Working Without Mirrors, Glassy Essences, and Indubitability:
From the Subjective/Personal to the Objective/Inter-Personal and Back Again

Notes Towards Day 6: "This Paper has Been Good to Think"
Notes towards Day 6:
"The Paper Has Been Good to Think" (Levi-Strauss)

Notes Towards Day 5: What's @ the End of the Rainbow....?
What's @ the End of the Rainbow?
(if not a pot of gold....)

[Image from Promise House Christian Community Website]