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elovejoy's picture

9/16/09 Observations

Observations from 9/16/09
Emily Lovejoy
Today I visited a local friends school for children from three years through sixth grade. The school has a diverse population of students and has strong Quaker values.  It especially focuses on teaching students to respect all people and also focuses on engaging them to be involved in peaceful problem solving.  I observed a 5th/6th grade class (Teacher A) and a 1st/2nd grade class (Teacher B).  Both teachers were participants in Bryn Mawr's summer institutes for K-12 teachers.

elovejoy's picture

Exploring Science Education and the Brain in a K-12 Setting

Exploring Science Education and the Brain in K-12 Schools:

A Praxis III Study
Emily Lovejoy

Brie Stark's picture

Observations and Interpretations

Observations & Interpretations

Brie Stark, Praxis III Independent Research

September 16, 2009: Initial Observations

Note: today was my first time visiting the Praxis location, a nearby school, and the first time meeting the participants of the study, as well as the teacher [in the setting of the Praxis; I had previously known the teacher from a summer institute].


Project:  Oobleck

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 6: Changing Education

Notes towards Day 6 of Food for Thought: Changing Education

I. Coursekeeping
problems/coaching for: logging in? (some anonymous posts, all self-caught)

Play around w/ making your postings more interesting:
add a gr/avatar or images??

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: September 2009 Core Group Meeting

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

September 22, 2009 Core Group Meeting

Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion

Working Without Mirrors, Glassy Essences, and Indubitability:
From the Subjective/Personal to the Objective/Inter-Personal and Back Again

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 6: "This Paper has Been Good to Think"

Notes towards Day 6: 
"The Paper Has Been Good to Think" (Levi-Strauss)

From the Rachel Grobstein Gallery

Anne Dalke's picture

Notes Towards Day 5: What's @ the End of the Rainbow....?

What's @ the End of the Rainbow?
(if not a pot of gold....)


[Image from Promise House Christian Community Website]

Neurodiversity: Resources

Page under development
Suggestions for additions are welcomed in the forum below.
On Serendip
Learning "From the Inside": A Neurodiverse World, a book commentary
The Slippery Brain Sodality, a book club

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