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Test Japanese

Cherry BlossomCherry Blossom Here is a test if alignment is none.

elovejoy's picture

Observations from 9/30/09

Observations from 9/30/09

Emily Lovejoy


Today I shadowed Teacher C, a shop and science support teacher at the local friends school where  Teachers A and B teach.  Today, Teacher C had a group of 6 kindergarteners that he was taking around the grounds of the school.  They were looking at the various gardens on the grounds.  Teacher C feels like for students of this age, a teacher must define vocabulary and bring it down to their level.   He has students engage in drawing and coloring activities to see what they have observed in the gardens. 

elovejoy's picture

Observations from 9/23/09

Observations from 9/23/09

Emily Lovejoy


Today I was again observing Teacher A's 5th and 6th grade class.  Their school is currently focusing on the theme of community.  So, while some students worked on other things, Brie and I led some of the students through Bubbleology, a lesson presented to us in the Inquiry Science institute this summer by Joyce Theriot.


Brie Stark's picture

Observations and Interpretations 9/28/09

Observations and Interpretations

Week of September 28, 2009; Brielle Stark


Project: Gardening

Note: Different aged subject group (younger).  This was purely observational, no questions asked of subjects.


Initial thoughts with Instructor

Paul Grobstein's picture

Human Evolution: Issues

Senior Seminar in Biology and Society

Issues in Human Evolution


What is the relevance of our own evolution for contemporary humanity?

Some background reading:

Ancestry and ethnicity

Genetic anthropology, Ancestry, and Human Migration

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: World Wide Conversation

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

Evolving Systems: World Wide Conversation

sophie b.'s picture

Ethanol: Viable alternative or waste of time?

Sophie Balis-Harris 

hmarcia's picture

The Benefits of Depression


Anna Dela Cruz's picture

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Sense of Self, Social Stigmatization, and the Question of Definition

Senior Seminar in Biology and Society
September 29, 2009
Anna Dela Cruz

Dissociative Identity Disorder: Sense of Self, Social Stigmatization, and the Question of Definition
the three faces of evethe three faces of eve

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