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smaley's picture

Medical Information on the Internet

 Medical Information on the Internet


Internet Code of Ethics


Guiding Principles


1. Candor – Sites should clearly indicate who owns the site, what the purpose of the site is, and conflicting interests the site manager might have


 2. Honesty – Sites should honestly portray all claims about efficacy, performance, or benefits of products/services


SandraGandarez's picture

Distancing emotions from something more personal

So I've been thinking about a the 9/11 Report and Henrietta Lacks and comparing their effect on me emotionally and cognitively. When reading the 9/11 Report I felt so distant and like it was something that happened long before my time and that it had no impact on me. The reality is that my town had a view of the Twin Towers and we were a quick 10 minute train trip away from the city. My father was also on a flight to Portugal and my godmother works in Manhattan so its not as if the tragedy of 9/11 didn't influence my life; it did. I think that is the specific reason that when reading the report I felt like it had no effect on me. This contrasted heavily with the story of Henrietta Lacks where I felt connected and more emotionally invested in her story.

Smacholdt's picture

Science as a Key to Understanding

 In his book Sagan reminds us that science is of vital importance and it is perilous to forget or ignore it. On page 10 he reminds the reader that, “Abandoning science means abandoning more than air conditioning, CD players, hair dryers and fast cars.” He debunks pseudo science by pointing out that pseudo science hypotheses are framed in such a way that they cannot be proved or disproved. But then again, science is also not always about certainties.

Colette's picture

premature babies!

 Laws governing Pre-mature babies

Anne Dalke's picture

running the risk of distraction

Directly relevant to the conversation we had early last week about running the risk of adding unrelated distractions into our papers: see y'day's NYTimes article about Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction. Would love to here some testimonies from you all re: the questions raised here about your re-wired brains...

veritatemdilexi's picture

Benefit-"A thing well done; a good or noble deed."-OED

 As I am now skeptical of all the words that I read, I looked up the word benefit in the OED and was reminded that benefit is both a noun and a verb.  I am used to benefit being used as a verb- "To do good to, to be of advantage or profit to; to improve, help forward."  

tgarber's picture

Oprah to produce 'Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks' Movie for HBO

 According to the Huffington Post as of May of this year, Oprah will produce a movie about the 'Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'. What do you think? How will a movie be different from a book? Should she make the movie? Why or why not? These are some of the questions I have been asking myself. As of now, I have no idea.

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