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Smacholdt's picture

Class Notes 11/18/10

 Class Notes 11/18/10

Anne: Announcements: Veritatemdelixi’s first hyperlink, read the Demon Haunted World for Tuesday, How you should feel about cells isn’t obvious- how does the book organize this argument?

 Ckosarek: Skloot was very sympathetic towards the family. She thinks that you should have a say about where your tissues go.

AyaSeaver's picture

Who's Immortal in this book?

     One of the main things that I noticed about Rebecca's Skloot's style and structure of the book is that she spends a lot of time focusing and addressing on her own interaction with the family, perhaps in an attempt to make the story more personal, active, and immediate or perhaps because she is really trying to give a family she feels has been exploited their 'due'. But lots of the time I completely lost sight not only of Henrietta's cells--or the cells that have grown from those that she donated--but of Henrietta herself.

TyL's picture

Course Notes 11/9

Tuesday 11/9/10 notes


Finish reading The Path To Paradise for Thursday

Read approx. 200 pages per class from The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and The Demon-Haunted World: both are selected from on Google books

Robert Coles’ The Call to Stories is the last. We will read all of it.

maht91's picture

The definition of Immortality

 I was very touched by the book: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks b Rebecca Skloot, and the details it included about the challenges and pains of the Lacks family. The whole question about the title of the book: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and its accuracy describing the concept of immortality had captured my attention throughout the book. The different people presented in the book, including Henrietta’s family, had their own strong connection to the word immortality and the presence of Henrietta among them or in this material life.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems Course: PGnotes22

FatCatRex's picture

Linking my family to the Lacks family

I’m still thinking about the ways in which it is either problematic or fruitful to consider us through the lens provided by our family members and descendents.

veritatemdilexi's picture

Hopkins Response to "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"

 This is my first successful hyperlink, I hope.  This article was published in June 2010 as a response to the book "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks", and details how Johns Hopkins now deals with tissue culture and provides some background on how physicians and medical researchers navigate patient confidentiality while still pursuing medical research. 


EVD's picture

The Immortal Life...

As I  continue to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, I'm amazed at how Skloot seems to come at this story from every possible angle (historical, medical, cultural) and from the perspective of her own journey, Henrietta's and Henrietta's family's. I think that simply the author's fascination with Henrietta and her cells is an interesting story on its is her journey to speak with Henrietta's family members...and even just the cells' medical narrative would make really interesting reading as well. Skloot even portrays Henrietta as a kind of heroine, adding another dimension to the book. I think that this book is an ideal combination of different types of literature.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Science as Story Telling: Issues Arisen and Arising

Notes and forum related to discussion at a Tri-co Science Studies Group meeting, 16 November 2010


Starting place:

Paul Grobstein (2005) Revisiting science in culture: science as story telling and story revising.  Journal of Research Practice 1 (1), Article M1


tgarber's picture

Notes 11-16-2010

 Notes: 11/16/2010

Recap of Path to Paradise

-Limitations of the personal interview as a method for learning

-Individualistic view doesn’t allow interpretation of the larger implications of the work

-Tensions between individual and political

Ckosarek: web papers- images overpower the sustenance of the paper and incorporate different elements that are unrelated to the material

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