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FinnWing's picture

The Power of the Story: How to connect and effectively engage your audience to create a lasting memory

The Power of the Story: How to connect and effectively engage your audience to create a lasting memory


tgarber's picture

Reconstructing Our Perception of Documentary: A Response to Caouette’s Tarnation

Reconstructing Our Perception of Documentary: A Response to Caouette’s Tarnation

Crystal Leonard's picture

The Relationship Between Scientists and the Media

The Relationship Between Scientists and the Media


"We have arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces"  Carl Sagan, A Demon Haunted World, 1996

LinKai_Jiang's picture

Learning about and from Babies


    Learning about and from Babies

What do babies know and how do they learn:

jessicarizzo's picture

Language and Thought

We are accustomed to hearing the benefits of multilingualism being extolled, and the advent of rapid globalization throws into even sharper relief the foolhardiness of confining oneself to the “prison house” of the mother tongue. In “Does Your Language Shape How You Think?” Guy Deutscher discusses recent attempts to reinvestigate the architecture of this prison. The investigation follows decades of polite avoidance of the subject as new studies, Deutscher says, are providing linguists with ways of thinking about the relationship between primary language and cognition that are far more sophisticated than Benjamin Lee Whorf’s now much-derided claim that Native American languages, for example, “impose on th

platano's picture

11/11 Notes

-culture is constructed, other cultures seem “WIERD” to us

-children learn by active teaching = “WIERD” ; parents take active role

-teaching keeps you focused on one goal, doesn’t help w/ brain growth

-every book suggests that another book might give us a fuller picture (kgould’s post on the graphic novel Palestine)

-ckosarek: Ofed Grosbar’s “The Drama of the Suicide Terrorist”

western view: internal, personal, we would never die for a collectivist society, “private act”

eastern: collectivist, feel tied to culture

-Americans don’t have a unified culture to protect

-May not be the view from all of the western countries

-individual interviews, anecdotal

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