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FatCatRex's picture

Shared and Subjective Truth in 'The Path to Paradise'

As is the basis of many faith and affinity groups, the purpose (or truth, if you will) of the gathering is shared among the participants. The shaheed Berko interviews share similar perspectives and must, in the end, all hold the same idea that it is glorious to die in the service of Allah by eradicating Jews. As Anne and I have been discussing in the comments on my second webpaper, the group-think aspect of shared truth presents a unique set of issues, not the least of which is how to authenticate or validate truths when the only checks/balances are one's compatriots. When we all believe the same thing, we are no longer checking the truth critically but instead accept the common status-quo ideas.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems Course: PGnotes19

Owl's picture

Bully/ Bullied

In my education class, we were discussing bullies and the students they bully. One of the questions asked as a conversation starter, was whether bullies or the bullied deserved more attention in a school/ class setting. As in, who is the victim in the a bullying situation? and who deserves more attention?

As  I was reading Path to Paradise, I thought, "Could we all be victims? Victims of the environments that surround us and the pressures that are imposed on us to maintain certain standards?"

Angela DiGioia's picture

Developing Critical Thinkers: How Story Telling and Getting it Less Wrong are the Best Teaching Tools

Human activity towards the pursuit of new knowledge will enable the continued creation of stories, which will fuel exploration and social growth. All humans, regardless of their title, must be taught and encouraged to foster skepticism, open-mindedness, and a commitment to what is yet to be. (Grobstein)

ellenv's picture

Brains Collide

Brains Collide

Kwarlizzle's picture

Legitimacy: the role and power of language in education

No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main
 – John Donne
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
 – George Orwell, Animal Farm.
       In this class and some of my other classes across many disciplines, we have had several discussions whose aims were to impress upon us the truth of John Donne’s assertion that “no man is an island,” that we do not exist in a vacuum.  Especially in this class, we are discovering that even within ourselves, we are not an Island, so to speak. Inside the brain, where the seat of our persons and our cognitive functions reside, we find that the way we perceive the world is an ongoing interaction between compartments of the brain that we have termed the “storyteller” and the “cognitive unconscious” (Grobstein). In addition, we are discovering that more than one ‘person’ exists within ourselves – we are a conglomerate of multiple personalities, each with their own distinct character.

kgould's picture

Spontaneous Thought is to Genetic Mutation as Learning is to Evolution

Spontaneous Thought is to Genetic Mutation as Learning is to Evolution


Spontaneity in the Classroom:

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