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epeck's picture

This Essay Might Influence Your Performance – The Role of Stereotype Threat in Education

Evren's picture

Willpower, the Brain, and Education

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000233 EndHTML:0000016044 StartFragment:0000002648 EndFragment:0000016008 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/evrencakir/Documents/Evren/2010-2011/Fall/Brain,%20Education%20&%20Inquiry/Second%20Paper

Evren Çakır

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

simonec's picture

Creative Solutions

        Creativity in education has been limited and undervalued, understood as a purely artistic phenomenon that is not useful in other realms. However, the idea of creative thinking in school is not divorced from the value-constructs in place – if money-making is the end goal, creativity helps. “A recent IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs identified creativity as the No. 1 “leadership competency” of the future” (Bronson and Merryman; Creativity Crisis). So why is American creativity declining? The results of analyzing around 300,000 creativity scores of children and adults, a study done with Kyug Hee Kim, shows that after 1990 creativity scores have been consistently declining (Bronson and Merryman; CC).

Abby Em's picture

We Fix It By Not Being Fixed

eledford's picture

Great Minds Do Not Think Alike

            For several weeks now, our class discussions have focused on the problems with education – what has not been working and what has, our own past experiences, and how we could possibly remedy the current education deficit, so to speak. Recently, the lens with which we have been viewing education has shifted in order to include how the brain works in hopes that we can better approach education with a more thorough understanding of how inputs are processed, information manipulated, and outputs produced.

Smacholdt's picture

Another Perspective on Terrorism

 It was really interesting to read Path to Paradise and get the perspective of the “bad guys” directly after reading the 9/11 graphic adaptation. While I fully support the idea to read these books back to back to compare/contrast them, I thought that Path to Paradise made the point that the cultures of the US and the middle east do not lend themselves well to comparison. The ideologies of the two counties are just too different. On page 54 when the author interviews Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and asks him what the idea behind suicide bombing is, since the bomber is obviously dead after the attack, Yassin responds with the statement that the bomber is not dead, but alive with Allah.

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