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Ayotola Oronti's picture


My name is Tola Oronti, a 4th grade teacher at Feltonville Intermediate School which is part of the School District of Philadelphia.

I describe myself as a practicing scientist in my everyday life. This is because I am a problem solver in every area. Both in my classroom and out in the real world, I am always confronted with problems but a unique feature about me is that I try my best to solve such problems instead of sweeping them under the carpet.

brain & behavior institute 2008

Bernadine Dancy's picture

Fun for young kids


In class as I was looking through the web site, I came across games and puzzles. As I search the web today I found alot of educational games for young children. Please click here to see what I found.Please click here to see a netlogo project I worked on. When given the correct command, the fireworks will explode.l

bronstein's picture

The first offerring:

The first Friday offerring is a demonstration of a service that I have found very helpful in getting students to do homework that is not simply copied from others . . . and that we teachers don't have to mark.  A few years ago I found a new service that was a web-based means of assigning homework . . . and more importantly having someone else mark

Babtunde A Oronti's picture

It's me again............


I teach Biology in Olney High (705) School. I've been teaching there since 1997 and I don't regret any part of my experience so far.

I'm unique in the sense that I'm genetically "wired" different from everybody else in the program. This will enable me to bring contributions and ideas exclusively different from everybody else's.

Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Interactive Brain Learning

Interactive Games



Step one- Have fun time to explore how we think!

Concetta Henkel's picture

What I've done this summer

There are strange things done in the Midnight Sunj

By men who mail for gold

The arctic trails have their secret tails

That would make you blood run cold

The Northern Lights have seen strange sights


But the strangest they ever did swee

Was that night on the marge of Lake LeBarge

When I cremated Sam McGee. 

Concetta Henkel's picture

Introduction to me

Hello everybody. I'm Concetta and I'm in the 2008 Brain and Behavior Institute.

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